Final Fantasy X-2 Online Note: FFX-2 Online has been given permission to use this guide on this site. [PLEASE DO NOT COPY THIS GUIDE UNLESS RECEIVING PERMISSION FROM THE CREATOR LISTED BELOW] Thank you. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Copyright 2003 Kunakorn A. ------- -- ---------- |MMMMMMA \M\ |M|M|MMMMM\ |MM MM| \M\ |M|M|MM---- |MMMMMM/ \M\ -- |M|M|MM| |------ ----M\ /M/---- |M|M|MM----| |MMMMMMA/M MAM\ /M/MM MM\|M|M|MM| |MM MM|MMMMM\M\ /M/|MMMMMM|M|M|MM-----/-- ------ ------ |MMMMMM/\ MMMA\M-M/ \ MMMA|M|M|MMMMMM/MMM| /MMMMMMA/MMMMMMA ------- \----/ \-/ \----/-----------|- M| |MMMMMM||MMMMMM| |M| |MM MM||MM MM| ======================================= |M| |MM MM||MM MM| A guide for bevelle 100 levels dungeon |M| |MMMMMM||MMMMMM| ======================================= -|M|-|MMMMMM||MMMMMM| for Final Fantasy X-2 (J Ver.) |-----\------/\------/ ver 0.7 by Mike A.(Charmin) latest update 4/28/03 ====================================================================== |table of contents| ====================================================================== 1 Copyrighted stuff 2 History of Updated data 3 Introduction 4 Location of the dungeon and how to enter 5 Walkthrough 6 Possible maps for each level 7 Boss Faqs 8 Monster data 9 Tips and hint 10 Q & A 11 Item listing 12 Credit ====================================================================== |Copyrighted Stuff| ====================================================================== this faqs is copyrighted to Mike A.(Kunkorn C. Atchaneeyasakul) only and available for home use purpose. If anyone has any other purposes for this faqs just inform me first. Other than these isn't permitted at all. ====================================================================== |History of Updated data| ====================================================================== ver 0.5 just started ver 0.7 added many boss faqs change some spelling ====================================================================== |Introduction| ====================================================================== I've decide to write an In-Depth faq on the 100 levels dungeon in Bvelle simply because I've gotten quite confuse with it and the Bosses are so hard as well. I think that this Faq contains some good information for people who are attempting to clear this secret dungeon. ====================================================================== |Location of the dungeon and how to enter| ====================================================================== This dungeon is located in Bevelle after the active link in Bevelle at story level 5. Enter Bevelle Temple and take the right path. You'll see Pacce and his Kodomodan group surrouding around a kind of blue portal. After the conversation, you can enter the blue portal to Bevelle dungeon first floor. ====================================================================== |Walkthrough| ====================================================================== Start of I must inform you that some abilities from accessory may not work such as the ability encount nashi (encount none) which means that you will be meeting enemies. Yes, very tough enemies every single floor of this 100 levels dungeon. And every 20 levels a boss fight occurs floor 1- as you enter you will have a conversation. After the scene you'll see akagi sphere no.6 lying on the ground. pick it up and proceed forward. Fall down the hole and advance to the next floor. ++after this floor other than the 10th,20th,30th and other floor divisible by ten is randomize. Possible maps for each floors will be listed in the next section. there are no save point in the dungeon, so if you want to save you have to find the blue portal on each floor which will take you back to the first for and save. When you are done saving proceed back to the blue portal and return to the floor you left off. But be alert that after you go back to the floor you left off, you will not be taken to the blue portal but instead you will be taken to the beginning of that floor. So saving often isn't a good idea because it is a waste of time and most blue portal isn't near the beginning.++ floor 20- first boss of the dungeon, Arachnea see |Boss Faqs| below. after the fight, pick up Akagi Sphere no. 8 on the floor. floor 40- fight boss, Black Elemental, and earn 3 elemental rings and Enterprize floor 60- fight boss, Mount MaiMai floor 80- fight boss, Chaku floor 100- fight boss, Subete wo suteshimono and after the conversation fight with Torema the final boss and earn yourself the " Iron Duke" When you return here, at the 100th level you can fight Subete wo suteshimono again. (Incase you want to kill him oversouled, I guess) under construction!! ====================================================================== |Possible maps for each level| ====================================================================== Map 1 ------------------------- / M | |E| / /----------------------- | | | | | | | | B = Blue Portal | | E = Exit | | M = Visible Monster | | S = Starting point | | Visible monster --- --- level 1-50 Tonberry / \ level 51-100 Mega Tonbery | | | S B | | | | | \ / -------- Description: This map is straight forward, avoid the Tonberry if you don't want to fight. Map 2 ---- |E | | | ------------------------------------------| | / |M| | | | | / / /-----------------------------------------/ | | | | | | | | | S | | B | ----- Description: Straight forward also, on higher level there will be visible monster on the map too. Map3 ---- |E | |--| | | \ \---------- \ B \ \---------\ \ | | |M | ---- | | | | | | ---- | | | | | | ---- | | | | | | ------ | S | | | ------ Description: Also straight forward, avoid the Tonberry if you don't want to fight. Map4 ----- | E | ---------- | | /----------------- ------------------\ | | | ------------- B ---------------- | | | |--------| | | | | ---- | | | | |M | | | | | |--------| | | | ------------- --------------- | | S | \--------------------------------------------/ Description: If you want to finish this map quickly, you have to fight the Tonberry and you'll be warp to the place near the exit automatically without having to walk all the way around. Map5 ----------- | | --------------------------------------- | | | | | E P M B | | | | --------------------------------------- | | | | | | | ----------- | | | | ----- | | | | | | | | ----- | | | | | | | | ----------- | | | S | | | | | ----------- Description: Go staight, then turn right and kill the Tonberry. The path at P will be lower. Continue to the exit. Map6 -------- | | | -- | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | ---- | | | | M | | ----- ---- | | M B| | | | ----- -- | | | | |E ------ | | | | --------- |S | -- -- Description: The monsters here are Elder Drake, he has pretty high attack so beware. If you don't want to fight, run pass quickly before he jump at you. In this stage, there is a chance that one to two Elder drake might show up on either one of the M spots. The rest is just plain forward. Map7 ---- / \ | | | L | | | \ / | | | | | | ---- | | ---- / \ | | / \ | --------|--|-------- | | L | B| M L | | --------|--|-------- | \ / | | \ / ---- | | ---- | | | | | | / \ | | | S | | | \ / ---- Description: If you notice, this map has no E for exit. So what you need to do is step on the panels listed on L in the map. Step on all three of them. Then return to the blue portal area. The floor will disappear, jump down advance to the next floor. Map8 -- |M | | | | | | | | | | | ----------------------------- | |B | -------------- ----------- | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | --------------- | | | | | | EP | | ------------ | ---- | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | -- |S | -- Description: This map looks plain and simple, but actually there'll be plenty of climing and jumping. Fight the Tonberry at M spot to open the path at P and then exit at E to the next floor. I advice you not to use the blue portal here because it is a long way and you should probably finish the floor than coming back and save then do it all over. Map9 | E | ----------------- ----------------- / B| | ------------------ ------------------ |M| | | - | | |---| | | | | |---| | | -- | | | | |---| |--| | | | | | | | ------- --- | | ---------- --- | S | --- Description: This map is really straight forward, just run and jump and you'll reach the exit. But there is something special about this map which is, if you touch the Tonberry at M spot he will not fight you and if you talk to him, he'll give you an item!! Under construction!!!!!! ====================================================================== |Boss Faqs| ====================================================================== Arachnea Location: level 20 HP: 18280 MP: 178 Description: Another warm up battle, because of its low HP just concentrate on hitting and healing. His normal attack hits two times and he has a move which casts stop on all your characters. You'ld probably finish him before he had a chance to use it. Black Elemental Location: level 40 HP: 9999 (oversoul approx. 18000) MP:2380 Description: This one is real tough and yet you have to fight him oversouled. He has auto-reflect and magic attack up. He is immune to all status effect but not including break. His magics are Berserk, Firaga, Blizzaga, Thundaga, Flare, and Ultima. His flare does 9,999 damage on one person but the worst threat is his Ultima which does 9,999 on everyone. Instant KO if you're HP doesn't exceed 9,999. Due to his low HP use dark knight's dark bomb repeatly to finish him quick. MountMaiMai Location: level 60 HP: 343280 MP: 170 Description: He has auto shell and protect and he is also immune to status attacks and all break attacks. His attack "BetBet" demolish all your MPs and poisons you also. "Megaton Press" another attack does about 50000-70000 due to your level. Heal quick and hit hard and you'll win. Your level should be about 60 or higher to beat this guy or simply use the Kyoso Neko Kami accesory combine with Quick trigger. You'll win within 2 turns. Chaku Location: level 80 Subete wo Suteshimono (he who abandon everything) Location: level 100 HP: 200000 MP: 9999 Description: First of all, he is immune to all status effect and breaks He has really high attack and HP which is going to make this battle long and painful. He has a painful omega flare liked attack called subete no -mori which is the worst attack of all. His normal attack may cost status effect too. All your characters should be at least level 80 up and make sure at least one character survive the subete no -mori. Dark knight and mascot dresssphere are the recommendation here. For people who have the Kyuso neko Kami accesory You should have 1 gunner with quick trigger level 3 and two dark knights at the start of the battle. Your gunner should be equipped with the Kyoso neko Kami and one auto-haste ring. Both of your dark knights should be equip with defense up 60 accesory and a crystal bangle. Your dark knights will have 9999 HPs and will survive subete no -mori. Revive your gunner and use quick trigger to finish him off in two round. The easiest way for this is to make your gunner HP yellowed before the battle and use quick trigger on your first turn. I you some how get lucky, you'll finish him off with him hitting you only once. This is probably the best way to get a good start with Torema. For people who don't have the Kyuso neko Kami accesory You should have three dark knights or Mascot. I prefer dark knights more because of the higher defense. Equip your dark knights with defense and HP boosting accesories and use the Resuit Plate with +20 defense and magic defense. All your characters should survive the Subete no -mori by now and heal your self with mega potions or equip one of your dark knight a resuit plate which allow you to use white magic and use curaga on all. Do not use dark bomb too ofter because HP is very important in this battle. Just keep healing and hacking and you'll win. For the easiest way Wairo (bribe) him with about 1-2 million gil. Not 100% success but enough to success with high percent. This way will also lead you to the best start with Torema Torema Location: level 100 HP: 999999 MP: 999 Description: Immune to everything so don't bother using status attacks. If you know the way this guy can be easier than Subete wo suteshimono. His physical attacks are a little less powerful than Subete wo suteshimono He cast magic also which are Gravity Flare and Meteor. Be aware that he is very quick. Healing with item here is better than magic because it is faster. Here are the ways to defeat him For people who have the Kyuso neko Kami accessory Use the same starting team as Subete wo suteshimono. Make sure you have tons of X-Potion and Mega-phoenix but not Mega-potion don't use it here. Your dark knights should be at full HP all the time in case he uses metor which will surely kill your yellowed HP gunner. If one of your dark knights is dead either by Flare or combo attacks, use your gunner to revive her which will bring her back at 9999 HP. (because of the Kyuso neko kami) When none of your characters are dead or need healing, use quick trigger on him. Repeat the steps 5-6 time and you'll win. For people who don't have the Kyuso neko Kami accessory Also use the same starting team as Subete wo suteshimono. Make sure you have tons of X-Potion, Mega-phoenix, and Mega-potion. If you're hit with Gravity, heal with mega-potion. Use white magic if you want. But remember that, this will be a very long battle indeed and you'll be hit with plenty of Flares and Meteors. The first thing you need to do is resuit one of your character to samurai and use the move which does major MP damage. His MP should be gone for good. Then keep hacking and healing with Items and you'll win. Under construction!!!!!! ====================================================================== |Monster data| ====================================================================== The monster data are listed by names in alphabetical order Ahriman Location: level 2-3 HP: 99 MP: 15 Immune to: Curse Description: Too easy to be in this dungeon. Probably just for warming up. Barbut Location: level 11 up HP: 562 MP: 13 Immune to: Curse Description: Auto Defense up use magic instead. Bolt Drake Location: level 20 up HP: 642 MP: 42 Immune to: Sleep Darkness Description: Low HP, but he has lightning attack which will zap all your characters. Death Gaze Location: level 40 up HP: 1720 MP: 388 Immune to: Confusion Berserk Darkness Slow Stop Description: The only thing to worry about him is his status attacks. kill him quickly to avoid any. Deva Location: level 21 up HP: 3230 MP: 4480 Immune to: All status effect except breaks Description: He will cast haste on him self the first turn then all kinds of magic on the next. Just fight normally. Eagle Location: level 21-25 HP: 735 MP: 28 Immune to: Curse Description: Nothing to be afraid of. He has an attack called "mind beak" which does minor MP damage. Elder Drake Location: level 30 up HP: 38500 MP: 138 Immune to: All status effects except breaks Description: He is one tough guy. His attack are really high. You can get yourself killed easily at low level. He also has auto-protect so your physical attack won't cause much damage. Avoiding him would be the best idea. If you really can't avoid him I suggest using dark knight's dark bomb repeatedly. He is not very accurate so if you have high evasion you'll simply dodge most of his attacks. He has no special attack to worry about. Gokimaira Location: level 40 up HP: 4360 MP: 485 Immune to: Death Sleep Silence Dark Poison Curse Stop Description: Pretty tough. Use only blizzard attack on him. Other elements are not effective. His magiddo flame can cause big damage. Huge Gel Location: level 40 up HP: 973 MP: 999 Immune to: All status effects except breaks Description: Don't be fool by his low HP, even at high level I can't kill him with physical attack in one hit. His attack will reduce your current HP to 1. The worst thing is that, he usually comes with Queen Kual which has the bring HP to 1 attack too. One of them will bring you HP to 1 and the other will use magic on all which will surely kill one character. The best way is kill one off with magic quickly then kill the other one. Machina Ranger Location: level 30 up HP: 2490 MP: 0 Immune to: All status effects except Darkness, Breaks, Slow, Stop Description: A machina, steal from him and get it over with or simply hit him until he die. Beware of his spark attack. He usually comes with Scout Machina. Malboro Location: level 25 up HP: 5877 MP: 110 Immune to: All status effects except darkness and breaks Description: His attacks causes status effect and the worst fear is his special attack "Bad Breath" which will cause multiple status effect. Piercing Bug Location: level 11 up HP: 233 MP: 1 Immune to: Curse Description: His Sleep Needle causes sleep. Reukofira Location: level 20 up HP: 2234 MP: 0 Immune to: Dark Poison Confuse Berserk Curse Description: His attack will be half the damage as your current HP. So you'll be killed if he uses it twice. He usually comes with his party. Be sure to finish him first. Sandworm Location: level 25 up HP: 12722 MP: 42 Immune to: All status effects except poison and breaks Description: He has high HP and pretty hard attack. Just keep attacking him and heal if necessary. Scout Machina Location: level 30 up HP: 3444 MP: 0 Immune to: All status effects except Darkness, Breaks, Slow, Stop Description: A machina, steal from him and get it over with or simply hit him until he die. Beware of his spark attack. He usually comes with Machina Ranger. Tonberry Location: all 100 levels HP: 9999 MP: 0 Immune to: All status attacks including breaks Description: Despite his low agility, watch out for the ability Houchou which can be pretty painful at low level. Uruframaida Location: 20-30 HP: 2044 MP: 0 Immune to: Death Break Sleep Silence Curse Slow Stop Description: His attack can cause quite some damage. Be sure to keep your HP at high level. Attack him regularly. White Pudding Location: level 11 up HP:625 MP:542 Immune to: Berserk Curse Description: Normal attack is not very effective use Fire magics on him Zulvan Location: level 21-25 HP: 583 MP: 310 Immune to: Silence Confusion Stop MagicDown MagicBreak Description: Should die with just one normal attack Under construction!!!!!! ====================================================================== |Tips and hint| ====================================================================== - Kyuso Neko Kami is really useful in this dungeon especially on the lower levels. Fighting Mega Tonberry is really a pain with out the kyuso neko kami plus quick trigger. Unless your characters have very high defense. - If you're intending to use Kyoso neko kami against bosses, DONOT use the blue portal before the boss to come back and save instead save on one floor before the boss so incase you lose, you'll be able to bring your HP down to yellow before the boss fight. - DONOT save too often unless you want to start the floor over alot of times - Defense +60 and Crystal bangle accessories are useful against bosses. - Equip Auto haste to your Kyuso neko kami user. - Defense plus resuit plates are recommended - Avoid any unnecessary fight especially with elder drake and mega tonberry unless you're surely sure that you'll win. - On floor 90 up try not to fight at all because monsters here are previous bosses you've fought and they can kill all of your characters with moves like, Ultima or simply kill you with normal attack. It is best that you run away. ====================================================================== |Q & A| ====================================================================== Under construction!!!!!!! ====================================================================== |Item Listing| ====================================================================== Under construction!!!!!!! ====================================================================== |Credits| ====================================================================== Square Enix- for creating the best sequel ever Iincx.z- for info on Arachnea and for reviewing my FAQ Seniroth X- for reviewing my FAQ