View Full Version : Paragon - Battle Guide

12-31-2003, 12:57 PM

its big bang and some other attacks keep eliminating my characters... no time to catnip him with first-strike coz i always start with full health when i get there... i'm already at level 99 with my yuna at 19991 health and the rest at 9999 each... and i still get wiped out...

how to win that disgusting monster??? :-( :cry:

ロ イ ド
12-31-2003, 06:03 PM
either bribe him and kill him later.... becuz rite after paragon is even an harder boss lol..... Trema.... or u can improve ur defense and magic defense so u can survive hes physical attacks and genisis.... and also go in to the battle wit ur gunner critical wit first strike so u can use cat nip rite away...... 2 cat nip attacks wit trigger lvl 3 should kill him ( for me it did)

12-31-2003, 08:11 PM
just raise yer stats (expecially defensive stats) and you should be able to take him. that way you'll get to low health with his attacks and use cat nip on him.

01-01-2004, 04:07 AM
The only way to beat him with enough power to beat Trema afterwards is bribing him... I think he will surrender if you give 1.5-2 million gold... I gave him 3 mil though so that he simple could NOT refuse lol ;)

01-02-2004, 02:36 AM
After beating Trema, u can try fighting Paragon again.
i used
1)1 Gunner, equided with Speed Bracer, Cat Nip, and double HP garment Grid.
1)2 Mascot, equided with Auto Abilities like Protect, Shell and haste and also Iron Duke or other Gold accesory. Garment Grid such as supreme light or grid that adds 20 to def and magic def. Cast Auto life if u are worry about Paragon's Big Bang. But its quite useless since it could get rid Auto Life abilities.

Dont try drying up its MP, it still can cast Big Bang and other skills. Useless.

U can also try transforming dress sphere to go around the Vulent Luste(???) garment grid, after going one circle, u can hav DEF+60 and MAGIC DEF+60. If u hav the time...haha

Use Gunner's Cat Nip strategy to finish him! 20*9999damage hits per round. Try surviving for 2 to 3 rounds.The reward is nothing much.


Homer Jay
01-02-2004, 02:43 AM
i think you are missing the point...after you defeat trema, you dont have to worry about him after killing paragon, if you have already killed trema, paragon must be a joke

01-02-2004, 03:25 AM
The reward is nothing much? It's only the best accessory in the game, a little thing we like to call the Iron Duke. I as well am currently stuck here. I'll let ya know if I ever get past it :p

01-02-2004, 08:30 AM
U are wrong Homer, Paragon is much more stronger then Trema, although its HP is only 500000 and his speed is not that high compare to Trema, but his attacks are deadly, exspecially his Big Bang that deals 99999 to everyone!! With Max DEF and Magic DEF also deals 5 digit damage to everyone. But its easy if u use the Cat Nip strategy, but its also depends on ur luck.

;) :popcorn: :D

01-02-2004, 09:03 AM
k, i'm confused. i could have sworn the guide says his hp was only 200000. secondly, what's this "big bang" i keep hearing about. the only strong this he ever does on me is genesis, which pretty much wipes out all my characters. besides that, that's all he did to me. bribing him was a dumb idea. i tried, but by the time she gave him the money, i was way down in the health department. and don't you have to face paragon BEFORE trema? i had to fight him, THEN trema. trema was a joke compared to paragon. hp is nothing when you look at what paragon does. after defeating trema, i had to option to fight paragon and everything, but i mean, if you got that far, it should be so simple to beat him by then.

01-03-2004, 01:34 AM
Usually(and how it should be), we bribe Paragon before fighting Trema(Thats y Trema hit Paragon so badly after we bribe Paragon because Paragon betrayed Trema, thats wat i though). Its hard to defeat Paragon(without bribing), then straight away fight Trema. Thats y we hav the 2nd chance for us to fight Paragon again.

Paragon's Genesis its quite damaging, all ur supporting magic will be wipe off. If u are so unlucky, he will cast Genesis, then Big Bang, thats a sure lose.

Althought ive defeated him after 3 to 4 tries, for wat i think Paragon is still hard, i defeated him when my level was almost near 99 for eveyone.

Good Luck


01-05-2004, 03:39 AM
genesis is powerful. can wipe the party if hp is below 9999. use cat nip with speed bracer & use trigger happy. the other 2 char i use mascot with break hp ability. after genesis those 2 should be alive use phoenix down 2 bring back the gunner & finish him off with trigger happy

01-12-2004, 09:30 PM
Beating Paragon is simple. Gunner with Catnip and Haste Bangle.
Other two character, make sure they have high defense and high HP, suggest using Dark Knight with Crystal Bangle on each and items to raise their Defense (crystal glove or champion belts)

Enter fight with Gunner in Critical condition. (Goto lower Bevelle and attack the Gunner to put her in Critical condition, afterward, go back portal where Dungeons are, do not stop at the save point)

Other thing that helped me is havng Gunner in High Luck level. This allows Paragon to hold off Powerful Attack and it also allows Paragon to attack other two character instead of Gunner.

If Paragon kills the Gunner, use Phoenix down on her, and have other two girls use X-potion to keep their HP high for battle with Trema coming up. Remember that Gunner in haste allows you to pull off more shots in Trigger Happy Lvl 3. I was able to do 17-18 times while without haste, only 12-13 times.

01-13-2004, 09:23 AM
I kill him and Trema without using Catnip, I use 3 master mascots, Cystal Bangles and Higher Power garmant grid, also Yuna and Paine with ragnarorks and Rikku with sprint shoe.

At the beginning, Rikku use stamina tonic to make all girls have 23000+ HP, and cast Reflect in Trema battle; Yuna keep using Moogle cureja to recover 8000+ HP for the team each round, Paine break dmg limt and use gulter gun, Rikku assit Paine's attack, it may cause him 40000+ dmg, and 80000+ for Trema if Paine at his back

01-29-2004, 12:50 PM
its kinda funny... every1 else makes the game without asking so why u wont try to do so? its easy to make it ur self so dont ask!

02-11-2004, 11:08 PM
Finally, I kill trema. But b4 that, I didn't bribe Paragon as I don't have that skill and $. It'll just take 1.25 trigger happy with cat nip + haste accessary to kill him.
But, even I kill paragon b4 killing Trema, I still need to kill him agian after Trema. I thought he was dead..?!?

02-14-2004, 07:38 AM
im on lv 96 in via infinito lol im scared to fight trema everything is boosted i have all the key accesories but hes gonna kill me cause i have had nothing but bad luck with it and plus i dont have lady luck or mascot outfits oh well someday

02-26-2004, 01:51 AM
LOLZ i dunt understand you pplz, i'm lvl 45 and i'm near black elemental, i had ABSOLUTELY no trouble with this game, its pretty straight foward, i dunt even do dmg and i still kill everything, charon will do 9999 to black elemental just incase you wanna kno how to kill him, or just pay like 50k to bribe him off.

02-28-2004, 04:05 PM
Here's a tip with a catnip accessory. Berfore going for the bosses in 100 lv.s fight with the fiends in the lv. you're in and lower her hp.

03-17-2004, 06:02 PM
Here's an idea! Equip all ur characters with lady luck! then make each of them use CONGRATS incase one dies another will perform the most powerful attack in the game. see my point?
Just keep pressing pause to slow down the spinning reels and u'll be fine getting the 7s alligned

08-18-2004, 05:33 AM
Actually, i found something rather useful....on one FAQ, they told me that Paragon would be easier if u oversoul him (fighting Ultima weapons in Chocobo dungeon) Once u enter that battle with him, he's not gonna touch u, unless u provoke him, which was good, cause then I had time to prepare ma ppl.

Cat nip is very very special. Use this with Trigger happy and get Dark knights. Once u find acc. to boost their defense and magic def. u r good. Just make sure to heal almost everytime so u dont die.

04-25-2006, 08:54 PM

its big bang and some other attacks keep eliminating my characters... no time to catnip him with first-strike coz i always start with full health when i get there... i'm already at level 99 with my yuna at 19991 health and the rest at 9999 each... and i still get wiped out...

how to win that disgusting monster??? :-( :cry:

attack your charator who has catnip and equip the girl who has catnip with gunner dressphere and use trigger happy Lv3 and that should do it.(NOTE, try useing a speed bracer on the girl with catnip)if you need any help send email to JC30191@yahoo.com