Talk about FFX in here.
Talk about the sequel to FFX here.
Via Infinito
08-16-2014 03:44 PM
tidus yuna auron wakka lulu
Introduction This guide was made for the sole purpose of helping people achieve maximum statistics in Final Fantasy X, a game by Square Enix. It...
****NOTE: Before any of you go on reading in this thread, please note that it is FULL OF SPOILERS. Do not come crying to me if you didnt want to...
On the boss Crawler, Negator. First, take out small Negator, and use the talents of Auron, Kimahri, or Tidus to assault Crawler. After defeating...
I'm sure a lot of you have seen by now that PSTime has done an article on the news surrounding the announcement that FFX is going to remastered in...
Not sure if a thread like this exists already but... Eh Watching a spoony experiement video on FFX-2 reminded me of the whole thing with Tidus...
Click. Now carry on telling me how character development in FFX is less linear than in FFXIII, which at least offers you three (and then six)...
There have been rumors that if you enter a code at the beginning of the game that you will unlock a secret character called Zorox (also heard it...
Since the up-coming HD version may have trophies, lets try and guess the list or just make one up for the hell of it. :plat: He Who Has Forsaken...
Almost choked myself laughing so hard *Contains strong language*
mine was i just beat Yunalesca... and i had a low-leveled party, mind you... and then POWER FAILURE CAME while i was SAVING!!!!!
He died and became an unsent when he was young (23-ish?). So how come he's aged?
Why does Brother have a pseudo-Russian accent when Cid talks like a hick?
You know how they are selling all the old PS1 games on PSN? They should totally sell FFX international on there with the dark aeons. Lots of money...
I don't remember. Unsents need a duty in order to remain in Spira, yea?
A prequel with Braska, Jecht and Auron would be the best thing to come from FFX. Fund it, SE.
well a few days ago i just started up my maiden run through of FFX... so far i'm loving the inital character designs and story... i'm just after the...
Blitz balling. My team sucks. Who can I hire that's really good? I'm at the point where I can beat sin, so I have the airship to go anywhere. O:
And the ****ing birds. Tidus should just **** the trainer with a rake and take the ****ing sun sigil. This is the stupidest ****ing sidequest for...
Ok so I would do the monster arena monsters, buuuuut.... I haven't got past Yunalesca yet. Mainly cause the first time she used megadeath on me. Cool...
What is it you prefer: - Summon an aeon, let him do the work - Quickly end a battle with the most appropriate characters I myself prefer to...
I like Tidus, but Jecht is the best... He even says so... "You can't do it kid, I'm the best"
Wouldn't you say? She's saving the world and willing to die for oddly enough, sin. She walks on water (sending in Kilika) Always puts others...
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