Talk about Final Fantasy VIII here.
What character of FF8 do you think are the best? My fav is Rinoa.
What is this? The other day, Kakashi had asked me to post something like this. As I;m the only pro one out there to have thought of this. =P Nah,...
Wow... what a lame title =P Anyways... Inspired by the entirely story of Spira (courtesy of Hitoko) and, due to boredom, I thought about doing...
Okay today, I re picked up FFVIII. And I was pretty blurry on things. Decided to check it out and thought I'll post it there eh? Top 5 spells for...
St-Atk/Def-J] First of all, even though I know everyone who bought FFVIII a long time ago already knows many things wrote in this FAQ, still,...
!!!<3!!! I get so happy when Square shows that they haven't forgotten about their titles (even if they do it with some titles many times over o_o...'re driving around the car you rented from Dollet. Rinoa's there but blonde. Now consider Squall, only more Asian. Visualise a male Quistis....
If Rinoa's the Sorceress, why does Selphie have access to the most powerful magic in the game?
What are the best ways to make some easy gil? Right now I use the, buy tent/cottages, mod them to mega-potions, then sell, and repeat. I also...
What are the best ways the make easy money? What I've been doing is the buy tents and cottages, modding them to Mega-Potions, then selling them,...
So my first final fantasy game ever was completed last night! I enjoy playing the game and found it so much more playable when actually using the...
a little column i found on one of the sites i look at once in a while. This also is their first one so it may be a little weird but still a fun read...
Did you run? You did, didn't you?
Okay a little point to make, I am not one for crazy over-the-top fanboyish theories unless it makes sense and makes the story that more. ....
so I was going through the same site i found the SE not knowing what Wada meant and behold there was something there also about FF8. Small but...
So which party member do you give what summon?
First of all, I want to say I find most FF games (bar FFXII and FFIX, I'm sorry Ben lool) have a very good foundation for characters. People think...
my least fav. ff game is ff8. The story was a little ok but the junction system just about made me explode:o I also hated the draw magic system....
There are a lot of cute girls in FFVIII. In your opinion, who'd be best with Squall? Should he stick with Rinoa, or should he opt for girls like...
How come in ff7, everyone's lke, how do u get aeris and sephy into your party again but u don't hear this in ff8 as far as i know there's no way to...
When my friend got Final Fantasy VIII, I thought I would automatically fall in love with it. But when I got it, I just got so confused and pissed... :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
I've heard rumours of an FF8 Remake??? is it true? I think it'd be pretty cool along with the FF7 remake as well it'd be really cool to play the...
Only pic so far. Squall at the grave of someone. . . (His mother?). Also rumours...
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