Talk about the FFs of old here before those young uns hit us with the playstation. Now I know what you are all thinking,"this isn't going to happen" just under a month ago the ffvii web...
or is it just stuipped i heard it was fun amd they have class change Following suit to FFV.
Nostalgia goggles aside, there isn't anything noteworthy here. It really is bog-standard. Not to mention the economy is broken, I shouldn't be... Just announced, it's a compilation of FFIV and The After Years with redone graphics and added...
This is simultaneously hilarious and amazing.
With the 3DS coming next year, who thinks there'll finally be an FFVI remake? Terra and Kefka already have VAs.
Holy Dragoon! NOW who's the strongest, Cecil *****!
*buys and downloads* Yay, cheap! :D ~To unlock various extra chapters, spend more Wii points!!~ Oh :|... Well okay *takes a look at the...
Yes, believe it or not... The remake of FFIV is on it's way to the DS. This is both shocking and at the same time... Not really :P The Square...
YES!!!!! FF4 Is remade and coming out december 12 2005.and the good thing is that after u get every character u can change members in mysidia.It...
No one in this forums has played and beaten it.
YAAAAAY!!!! ... It's not a joke. FFIV is being released... again. At first I actually found myself frowning a bit over a remake for the first...
Yes, a tech demo for FFVI on N64. Yes, very old. Yes... Something The Tech Demo In case you think this seems too much like a hoax to be true, I...
Square Enix is adding yet another entry to the long list of Final Fantasy games to get sequels. This time, it's Final Fantasy IV. Titled Final...
Of the original Game. The very first one. 1.Matoya's Cave 2.Gurgu Volcano 3.Dead Music 4.Underwater Palace 5.Battle Scene
I didn't see this thread so... Out of all retro ffs, wich one do you think is the worst? (to avoid spam, try to give a reason) I gotta say ff2......
Does anybody know a good place to level up in World 2? I tried the Sealed Castle (I think that's what it's called), but I just end up dieing instead....
For me, it has to be Final Fantasy VI. I didn't think I would like it because I thought IV was the best Retro Final Fantasy I've heard. Each song was...
I starting to think that the game's wacky levelling system doesn't even follow the rules it says it does. This is the first time I'm playing, and I...
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