All the history of the forums from the past 1000 years (give or take 999)
The popularity contest to see who is the forum's favourite SE character.
And your USEC champion is
07-19-2008 04:01 AM
The grand awards took place here.
2010 Forum Awards Red Carpet
06-13-2010 05:05 PM
Congrats to Neo - our first moderator at We're still just a baby forum at the moment, but we are definitely growing and Neo has graciously...
Due to the increasing activity on the boards, JuSt A fAn is now a moderator as well as Neo. With JuSt A fAn on board as well we won't need any more...
OK people - here we go! Here are the proposed rankings (instead of Newbie, Cool Newbie etc). To vote, pick the number and vote in the poll at the...
As you've probably noticed, we now have a currency - see the Announcements section for details. Also, due to popular demand, the price of an...
Congrats and hope you enjoy the 100 Gil to celebrate you being the 100th member!
We need a new logo - so it's up to you to design it! Here are the specifics - - ends exactly 4 days from the time of this post - must be less...
Hiyall, Successfully moved the site to the proper server - the earlier location was a temporary one! Thanks for putting up with any...
Thanks to =D> JuSt A fAn =D> this is the next competition. Prize is 100 Gil. Rules: You have to get every question perfect to win. If you get...
Hiyall, I often spend money online and was wondering if you guys do as well. If we all buy the same things I might be able to organise a bulk...
If you hadn't already noticed, in response to feedback on Gil and prices etc, the rate at which you now earn Gil has doubled. \:D/
Guess what?!?!? Due to the amount of feedback received on Gil, the amount of Gil that you earn for posting has been - :horn: DOUBLED :horn:...
This thread contains the scene of the Clans War. From here Challenges will be issued, Battles will be started, Gil will become booty and Clans will...
Hiyall - this is the comp! 1. There will be a competition on making final fantasy based wallpapers 2. This competition will last a week 3. Each...
Bid for the technology with your energy points (see Clan War #1 - THE WAR!!! thread for details). So you know - this is what each Clan has available...
This competition is to find out who has the coolest avatar! Nominate someone (you can't nominate yourself) and post a link to a post they have...
Hi all, I know the site was down for a lot of today - it was a badnwidth issue, but has now been sorted. Sorry about that! Tigga
To all you Clanners out there! Use this thread to find fellow members to form Clans of 4 people only. Spam and off-topic posts in this thread...
Well, we're getting closer to the new forum (YAYYYYYYY!!!!!!) so the Effects Shop is now closed, so you will have to wait until the new forum to buy...
It could be a game about to be released or a game that is already released - which is it!?!?!
OK - these are the entries - The Depths of Squall Leonhart. by: CelesLock You see me, and yet I see a void. An emptyness, a darkness. Deep...
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