All the history of the forums from the past 1000 years (give or take 999)
The popularity contest to see who is the forum's favourite SE character.
And your USEC champion is
07-19-2008 04:01 AM
The grand awards took place here.
2010 Forum Awards Red Carpet
06-13-2010 05:05 PM
Ok, so as we have the money to get memberships, I guess we could call ourselves Wealthy Snobs! So, why not act like one? Lets gossip about people amd...
Do what the title says. Go ahead, I won't stop you. Also, you'll notice this isn't in the Junkyard . . .
Same thing again, previous got too big, therefore a new one is made. - No spam replies, this means one word posts, posts that just say something...
There ya go. Rock on. - No double posting - No flaming/trolling - No one word posts - Praise Ju
This is the second version of the beloved FF FC. Time for a new area (or atleast FC Oo) Enjoy =D What you do here is basicly worship FF. Come...
This is the new FFX quiz. Someone may ask a question.
So here it is ! This will be the first GC thread in "The Bar" The only rules that apply here are: 1. NO multiple postings 2. NO useless one...
The first boss in FFX is a sinspawn. What is the 1 attack it does? Letter Key: N=F
GC 3.0 was getting too big, we will start doing this more often. . .perhaps when this reaches 10000 it will be closed and another made in its place....
The only rules that apply here are: 1. NO multiple postings 2. NO useless one word posts 3. absolutely NO flaming allowed .. it will not be...
Ok... This had to be made at some point... the most obvious thing wasn't made before now... how dissapointing :D Anyways.... suprise, suprise...
Jamie-boy finally gets to make the GC <3 Rules are so simple i memorised the ****ers :) 1. No multiple posting 2. No one word posts 3. No...
what is tidus final overdrive in FFX and how do you get it?
Here is a way to get Sephiroth without using the gameshark or any other cheat device. The very first time you enter Junon and you go up to the city...
This is the new FFX-2 quiz. Someone may ask a question.
This is the new FFVII quiz. Someone may ask a question.
This is the new FFVIII quiz. Someone may ask a question.
New thread, you know the drill... "Our Darling Daughter You Are, Little Cecillia Marie", from The Prize Fighter Inferno.
Its time we brought this back!! First question!! who is the biggets spammer on the site and currently has the most posts?
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