All the history of the forums from the past 1000 years (give or take 999)
The popularity contest to see who is the forum's favourite SE character.
And your USEC champion is
07-19-2008 04:01 AM
The grand awards took place here.
2010 Forum Awards Red Carpet
06-13-2010 05:05 PM
1 Thread closed.
If anyone could find one for the RP, that'd be great.
(Currently a global announcement around the forum, too.)2Current Entrants: Psykonaught (+20 chances) Denver Augustine (+20 chances)2 Only until...
I know the RP has been dead for a bit. Things have been really hectic on my end, so I apologize. @.@
Thought we could use another ABC thread :p This time FF themed A: Auron
This is a thread where you can talk about how the contest is going and for any questions
I think a log of our current status with upcoming posts would be nice to have. WoL: Eron - Finished - On Hold until the time is right. LoE:...
More games will be added over time. Enjoy.
McLovin and Gem vs Delly and Manjifan. Refer to the "Story and Battles" for details. Posting order: Delly, Gem, Manjifan You each will...
In an effort to inject more activity in the role playing sector, I've solely promoted Zera to a Mod there. He has the creativity and noted...
I figured this was needed. Where the **** are your posts? I already have two up, with a second one for Eron ready to post. Damnit people, POST!
Duel Dome Tournament: Power of Existence There are rumours of a new street fighting tournament. The rumours say that the best fighters from...
Name: Karl, prefer Karlos. Age: 17 DOB: 11th July 1992 Hometown/Current residence: London / Norfolk Reason for Joining SF: My cousin was into...
Name | Win | Draw | Loss Gemini | - | 1 | - 01habbo | 1 | - | - Kazei | - | 1 | - Manjifan | 1 | - | - Nemesis | - | - | 1 McLovin | - | - | 1
Based on the lack of activity, I think I'll suggest that at least Nem and Kazei be dropped from the competition until further notice. For now, the...
Name: Aglaia Thanatos Age: 24 Birthdate: April 9, 975 FB Birthplace: Eagros, Palamecia (Capital) Home Area: Eagros, Palamecia (Capital) ...
Both events will begin on October 25th, 2009. The yearbook will be open for the entire week, and the USEC will last until it ends. Also, we're...
Arena The both of you have been dropped in a new arena, you notice...
Arena The both of you have been dropped in a new arena, you notice that...
Toothy: 302 Moved
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