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What defines an anime?
09-29-2013 04:16 PM
It's a pain in the butt! I've been doing this for a while , there are loads and loads of problems to deal with. So I decided it might be helpful if I...
Back to OLD SCHOOL. Forget the extra nonsense. Calibration, from Omar Rodriguez Lopez.
This includes films, tv shows, dvds, etc. Deal or No Deal?
bought, so what is it? I just bought some new shoes which i needed since my others were years old. shorts and 2 shirts, one was an element...
So what is it, what did u read? Was it one of the Harry Potter books or was it a Terry Pratchet (can't spell it) so tell us ! my last one must be...
You know the forum is dead when: FFXV was released and there hasn't been a word of it. -Continue.
I've been quite absent but, where did Damien/Rydia/Mirage/Ben/ etc all go?
http://i.imgur.com/eW8picz.jpg I'm gon cry you guys. I'll never be able to find this figure intact :c
:D came across this site thought it was pretty awesome! https://www.lootcrate.com/ I wonder if they would do a FF themed box :D so tempted to...
I was having nostalgic thoughts about my childhood about a week ago. This site, came into my mind. This is going to sound awfully sad and pathetic,...
Shower me with the love you denied me all these years.
Has anyone else played around with this? Streams instead of torrents :P
Hello, long time no see. I've started to actually use my playstation a bit more and currently paying star ocean : The Last Hope. There are a few...
Conversations in class: Friend 1: You're stressing me out Friend 2: You're stressing me out. Me: You're both stressing me out. Stress gets...
Looking at it's total worth, I think it's a fair offer: http://www.urlappraisal.net/search.php?textSearch=squareforums.com&searchSubmit=Appraise
I love the summer fair, ours arrives late and has come into town this week, so I'm going tonight ^_^ What's your favourite ride at the fair? This...
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pYW2GmHB5xs This is a new project by monty oum, the difference is between this and dead fantasy is that he's...
Has anyone read (m)any fantasy books? I'm currently working my way through Raymond E. Feists' novels. I believe I'm on the tenth or eleventh of...
https://fbcdn-sphotos-c-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-prn1/601926_358350950943223_19737417_n.jpg Always knew there was something familiar about the...
This was too good to not to share XD http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=OplNaeNGrZo
Since today is my birthday... I've been part of this forum since I was 13.... I was such a different person then.
Where did the famous SF drama go? This place just feels like a sane normal dead forum, at least with drama it was a insane Sf dead forum :O
So yeah, at my job, I'm a security guard at a hotel. I'm seen some of the craziest things so far, and heard crazier. But I've came to one conclusion,...
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