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In-depth discussions, debates and rants about life.
What defines an anime?
09-29-2013 04:16 PM
It's a pain in the butt! I've been doing this for a while , there are loads and loads of problems to deal with. So I decided it might be helpful if I...
So what is it, what did u read? Was it one of the Harry Potter books or was it a Terry Pratchet (can't spell it) so tell us ! my last one must be...
Back to OLD SCHOOL. Forget the extra nonsense. Calibration, from Omar Rodriguez Lopez.
This includes films, tv shows, dvds, etc. Deal or No Deal?
bought, so what is it? I just bought some new shoes which i needed since my others were years old. shorts and 2 shirts, one was an element...
Not the company. I mean free software in general. I know a few people have been using the composites like Open Office for Gem and Doug, but there's...
What have you stumbled upon today? http://i40.tinypic.com/qqo26g.gif YouTube- Introducing Google Translate for Animals
River, where did you go? Did you flow into the sea?
**** **** **** I have a paper due at 1:30 and I only have 3 hours to finish it. It wouldn't be a problem if I had actually read the entire book, and...
I love lamp.
A happy birthday is in order for Mechwarrior21 today. Have a good one, man.
If you make a post after this one, you will die within 24 hours.
http://i1198.photobucket.com/albums/aa454/RKyra16/smiles.jpg I knew that's why you use the smiles :P
A school in the Dallas area has been taking some heat after they've been accused of running up the score with the end total being 100-0. ...
Which ones will you be following/checking out? http://randomc.animeblogger.net/2008/03/31/spring-2008-preview/ For me I'll be seeing: Code...
YouTube- DJ Earworm - United State of Pop 2009 (Blame It on the Pop) - Mashup of Top 25 Billboard Hits Like it or not, this is pretty impressive....
- Wall of Arms - The Maccabees - It's Blitz! - Yeah Yeah Yeahs - The Fame Monster - Lady Gaga - Music for Men - Gossip - Everything Is New - Jack...
As the year draws to a close, let's take the time to remember the many ridiculous, inspirational, terrifying, saddening, hilarious etc. things that...
This is thread #2010 in here :D 2 more threads to go?
the deadest year yet for the forum, yes I called it, I know you guys are there I can see you lurking :) So anyay talking about 2011 what do you...
Give this a look if you like asian cinema, very good adaptation i think but it is lengthy at 2hrs 20 mins. And, its only the first of three.
This is a quiz dedicated to one of the very few good shows on Fox, 24. I tried several different searches using different criteria but no matches...
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Uef17zOCDb8&feature=player_embedded Take all of my money.
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