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What defines an anime?
09-29-2013 04:16 PM
It's a pain in the butt! I've been doing this for a while , there are loads and loads of problems to deal with. So I decided it might be helpful if I...
Back to OLD SCHOOL. Forget the extra nonsense. Calibration, from Omar Rodriguez Lopez.
This includes films, tv shows, dvds, etc. Deal or No Deal?
bought, so what is it? I just bought some new shoes which i needed since my others were years old. shorts and 2 shirts, one was an element...
So what is it, what did u read? Was it one of the Harry Potter books or was it a Terry Pratchet (can't spell it) so tell us ! my last one must be...
I have a confession to make. There's only one night of the year I'm actually afraid of ghosts. That's on Friday the 13th. I basically confirmed this...
But funny. Some people might get offended so don't watch if you can't take a joke. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RtS2Ikk7A9I
Well I couldn't really find a section for the manga and anime anymore. So I have decided to post it here :D Well I guess I'm just bored and...
Enjoy. http://28.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_kygz14dS4t1qzrbk9o1_500.jpg
Where do you shop, do you try to shop in the high street to support local stores, or do you shop online to get the best deals? I try and shop a...
Ahahaha I was looking through images for work then I saw this thinking man thats so a dress for Ironman if he were to ever wear a dress XD ...
I have only just started watching this, so please no spoilers. This is the greatest television show ever.
What cover songs do you like? Here's a few I like XD http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yvp0uNYgc18 and this one is more of a mash up of a few...
Hi I been playing this for a while on and off (I like pretty/ cool looking pictures. :D ) anyhows wonder if anyone else plays. there a differnt...
hmmm since I don't bother remembering the forums exact website address or i ceebs typing it i decided to search for it on google oO but then i...
http://i.imgur.com/mzINe.jpg Make a wish.
www.youtube.com/watch?v=txBfhpm1jI0&feature=bf_prev&list=HL1331764733&lf=mh_lolz I couldn't believe it when i saw it but i did research to be...
Lots of people believe them to be nothing more than a myth, but I believe in them. I've seen one with my own eyes. It was magical. Do you believe in...
Now most of the time most ghost sightings are a load of rubbish and can be rationally explained, but despite this I am still a believer. Wierd...
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