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What defines an anime?
09-29-2013 04:16 PM
It's a pain in the butt! I've been doing this for a while , there are loads and loads of problems to deal with. So I decided it might be helpful if I...
Back to OLD SCHOOL. Forget the extra nonsense. Calibration, from Omar Rodriguez Lopez.
This includes films, tv shows, dvds, etc. Deal or No Deal?
bought, so what is it? I just bought some new shoes which i needed since my others were years old. shorts and 2 shirts, one was an element...
So what is it, what did u read? Was it one of the Harry Potter books or was it a Terry Pratchet (can't spell it) so tell us ! my last one must be...
What are some that really blew you away? Back in HS me and my friends listened to Toxicity from System of a Down and we listened to it so many...
If you could have a gig with any 5 bands at any venue what would it be? Mine'd probably go something like Death Cab For Cutie 19:00 - 19:45...
If you could bring a dead rock star back to life for one gig, who would it be? John Lennon, Jimi Hendrix, Elvis, Kurt Cobain, Buddy Holly, Freddie...
The 08 series of Merlin on the BBC I actually didn't like the look of it from the first adverts in fear that it would end up like robin hood but I...
Anyone use it?
I've started to build my own website using Javascript and its going nicely, i should be looking to host it in late November. But i would like to add...
"Save the Cheerleader, Save the World" This is a new hot TV series that started a while ago. In US i thnk it shows on NBC or whatever?! I think...
What does the mysterious entry in Mickey's journal say?
Kanye West apparently just upstaged Taylor Swift during her acceptance speech for Best Female. He thought Beyoncé was a more deserving winner. What a...
Is it just me, or does Google seem to have increased its text size vastly today? =\
Which elimination thread will be eliminated? The same rules apply, so you may add one point and deduct one point from each option per post. All...
http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/c/ca/Sorority_Row.jpg I can't wait to watch this shambles of a movie. Leading "actresses" are Audrina...
be it unsinged, main stream, what ever. Post a music video you like be it because of the song, artist or because of the vid ...
Not the company. I mean free software in general. I know a few people have been using the composites like Open Office for Gem and Doug, but there's...
Really?!!!?! Now I can look at all the dirty porn I want, without leaving a trail. YES! :domo:
Same game different stuff. Holy - 10 Cure Magics - 10 Life Magics - 10 Regen - 10 Protect Magics - 10 Shell Magics - 10 Esuna - 10 Scan -...
so KH4 = Spiderman, Xmen, F4, Iron Man? ...
Anyone know her? (her nickname makes me laugh a bit) I am not a fan of any youtubers (apar from Shane Dawson cause he rocks) but I DO respect this...
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