Keep up to date with the latest from and post any feedback in the forum below.
Various contests and competitions will be held here for an assortment of prizes.
Final Fantasy XIII Competition
03-09-2010 02:09 AM
So far this is a clean install for the most part. I brought back everything I could but excluded the mods. Are there any mods you would like to come...
No point keeping anyone in the dark. No-one knows wtf's going on, the owners are nowhere to be seen, but this surfaced today: ...
What's new? - New main skin. - Less, unneeded hacks. - Reorganized, and cleaned, forums. - A plethora of chances at getting FFXIII this...
In case you havent noticed it yet, Ben was promoted to Site Staff, Chippen filled up his place as an Admin and Habbo moved up as a Super Mod. ...
After negotiations with Gemini, he has decided to relinquish his ownership of the forum to myself. I would like to thank him for everything he's done...
Due to Gem's approval of the vote to merge the Bar with the Lounge, I have moved the entire contents of the Bar and deleted the forum. As mentioned...
Another Admin 4 U ... and it's Ben. :domo: Give him a round of applause.
A clean slate is being given to anyone who was ever banned on the forum, who wishes to return, due to inactivity and an attempt to revive the forum....
But I'm sure she'll be fine. She has, however, decided to step down as an admin. Thanks for all your hard work over the last few years. <3
Noble has very kindly dealt with the siege of adbots from which we've been suffering. With any luck, there shouldn't be many more around for a while....
Well, not entirely. Nem will be stepping down from staff, though. Wish him the best.
To make things look less stretched out a number of forums have been condensed; namely Other Entertainment and its sub-forums have been moved into The...
The forum has recently been upgraded to vBulletin Version 4.0.6. The old skins are incompatible with the new software, so get used to this layout...
I never asked for this, but Deus Ex forum has been moved to Misc. Titles & Series.
Check it out.
We've done some reshuffling. Competitions is now a subforum of Announcements Star Ocean is now a subforum of Misc. Titles & Series Gangan...
Album pics should be fixed now. Social Group icons should show properly. Avatars and profile pics can, once again, be uploaded via URL.
This new RPG will be added to the forum sometime next weekend, but, it'll will be closed to members until it's been fully tested and set up to some...
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