All about our favourite games, consoles and PC hardware.
As for me it was Mana Khemia: Alchemists of Al-Revis for the PS2.
i'm playing final fantasy VIII for the...who knows how many times. what about you?
Simple, what trophy did you unlock last on whatever game? "Love is the Pulse of the Stars" (Bronze) on Dynasty Warriors: Gundam 2
Source Having pre-ordered ME3 Collector's Edition with GAME, I was of course estatic to receive this e-mail. If you're effected, choose a...
Source Good no? It'll be the final nail in the PS2's coffin though.
YouTube- Heavy Rain - Official E3 Trailer I can't believe there isn't already a thread for this. This game is going to be incredible. It's the... From the makers of Ico and Shadow of the Colossus comes the biggest Tamagotchi you ever saw.
YouTube- Darksiders : Wrath of War - Official E3 CG Trailer Described as God of War meet Zelda, this game was just released today. It's no... This game remains my favourite ever series. Last year saw the release of Tales of Monkey Island, the fifth...
YouTube- Okamiden Captivate 2010 Trailer Source & Screenshots I never finished Ōkami, but it was an excellent and beautiful game (except for...
Source Sounds interesting, I'll definitely experiment once it becomes available.
With one day left, in an ideal world, what would you like to hear about today? Personally I want: - SURPRISE appearance by David Cage where he...
Vote. Screen-tearing really pisses me off.] A new tactical action-adventure game for PS3 and 360 from the developers behind Heavenly Sword. Coming... Been curious about this for a while, still not entirely decided. Comes out in October for 360 and PS3....
Look at Game Informer's December cover. Apart from being awesome, it shows 30 character that have supposedly defined the last decade of gaming. I...
Okay so it's not exactly an outstanding game, but I'm really enjoying it. Chapter 14 atm, not that much left.0 Best soundtrack in a game ever? Quite...
Some interesting results: 30. Max Payne (Max Payne) 29. Clank (Ratchet & Clank) 28. Jak (Jak & Daxter) 27. The Illusive Man (Mass Effect 2)...
Source I love Ezio, but dammit I want my French Revolution assassin. Or at least a Victorian London Jack-the-Ripper-murdering assassin.
When game developers spend ridiculous amounts of money on developing awesome, beautiful, pre-rendered sequences for marketing purposes, and then...
Finally we have a "trailer" (well, a trailer for a trailer): asdfghjkl; They're going to make us...
Trailer. Snow and Juno take on zombies. Nice.
Rumour has it that that Rockstar are collaborating with 2K on not only GTAV but Mafia III. YES PLEASE. Mafia II was a surprising favourite of mine...
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