All about our favourite games, consoles and PC hardware.
Simple, what trophy did you unlock last on whatever game? "Love is the Pulse of the Stars" (Bronze) on Dynasty Warriors: Gundam 2
i'm playing final fantasy VIII for the...who knows how many times. what about you?
As for me it was Mana Khemia: Alchemists of Al-Revis for the PS2.
YouTube- Okamiden Captivate 2010 Trailer Source & Screenshots I never finished Ōkami, but it was an excellent and beautiful game (except for...
Let's play multiplayer! *inserts disc and starts multiplayer mode* Oh... I guess it works like this. I'll go first then. *10 min later* ...
lol So what are ye gettin in the new year Febuary it's Killzone 2 and March RE5 Also might get White Knight Chronicles...heard character...
Which games being released in 2010 are you looking forward to most? - Final Fantasy XIII - White Knight Chronicles - Heavy Rain It's a throwback/tribute to all the 8 bit classics and is mostly...
It seems less and less desirable each time more information is revealed. Now they've announced the battery life is 3-5 hours at the LOWEST...
anyone own one? i got mine just a week or so ago. and i'm playing many titles now. KH 3D luigi's mansion: dark moon cooking mama 4 (lol :x)...
what's the difference, I mean they both sell for the same price on so whats the dif?
Only an issue if you have a fat PS3, basically the internal clock is ****ed and it thinks this is Feb 29th. This has caused users not being able to...
999 For the DS And Virtues Last Reward for the 3DS/Vita My god. I've never played a game series that gets you so invested in the story like...
Just wondering how/what's the best way to add more gb to my PS3?
Anyone else play this game? An oldie-but-goodie if you ask me. Really good for history-buffs, as you get to play as some of the most notorious...
Anyone else preorder this game? The highly anticipated sequel to American McGee's Alice materialises, ten years after the original. I...
Anyone used to own this console? It was overlooked alot and I don't think it used to be that well known. Used to be a keyboard you plugged into...
Reveal Trailer: Sasha: There... No one came. He has to wait for his mom to pick him up. wololo
I've yet to see a single game without those damned jagged edges. If anything this is the PS3's weakness.
I got this info from Xbox's site. It is Mistwalker's first ever game so you know they are going to go all out! I can't wait. Blue Dragon is one...
Anyone here play Disgaea?
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