All about our favourite games, consoles and PC hardware.
i'm playing final fantasy VIII for the...who knows how many times. what about you?
Simple, what trophy did you unlock last on whatever game? "Love is the Pulse of the Stars" (Bronze) on Dynasty Warriors: Gundam 2
As for me it was Mana Khemia: Alchemists of Al-Revis for the PS2.
Just wondering what graphics card I should have in my computer to make it good for gaming?
What is the weirdest thing you ever omitted in gaming? I've heard of many people that stopped playing FFXII right at the ending, for instance, did...
Trailer. Snow and Juno take on zombies. Nice. I laugh at PETA's stupidity XD
I searched. I couldn't find it. So I'm making a thread. Minecraft: Basically, in laymans... Now I've only played AC2... Small teaser trailer. Joker is back. It's...
Source and trailer. So, I'm somewhat excited about this, but lack of detail about the genre leaves me worried. I hope it's something similar...] A new tactical action-adventure game for PS3 and 360 from the developers behind Heavenly Sword. Coming...
Since Dead Fantasy has it's own thread I thought it would be fair if Haloid had it's own thread. This is one of Monty Oum's earlier project where...
I'm thinking about downloading for roms and emulators to play some of the old school games I used to when I was a kid. Considering I don't have...
It's about time to get the dust off my Wii. Haven't touched it for many months, but on Friday I shall once again play on it. Xenoblade Chronicles... ...
What theme or wallpaper do you have on your ps3 at the moment? Mine is the Celtic Maiden theme. She's my dream girl xD Coming in January, hopefully the first comes with it. I wonder if this will be a recurring theme in Sony's multiplayer titles, looks...
Rift between Rockstar and Team Bondi caused by email scandal. Will LA Noire 2 be an unpolished turd? Most likely. Nope. Suck a dick Capcom, from your shit DLC, to your blackmailing us to buy a demo or...
Let's play multiplayer! *inserts disc and starts multiplayer mode* Oh... I guess it works like this. I'll go first then. *10 min later* ...
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