Show off your graphics, movies, lyrics, stories, pics etc.
Post your fanart, fanfics, AMVs, wallpapers and any other Square Enix based creations.
MS Paint FF Characters
01-06-2012 03:01 AM
» Photoshop Hotkeys « Creating graphics in Photoshop can be both time-consuming and frustrating, but knowing the following standard hotkeys...
I thought it might be a nice idea for us to share any skills we have that are particularily useful, but that don't necessarily merit an entire...
In this thread you will find a link to each tutorial thread that has been created by our members. I have tried to organise them in a semi-sensible...
Recently re-opened Photoshop for the first time in years. In descending order of greatness:- Signature for Ju ...
If this is in the wrong place could someone move this to the approperate place. I had to guess because it's and story and its got spoilers. A 1000...
I give in i cant cope with the emails asking for a sequel from my previous story (its not just this site which I have posted my story) called 1000...
Ok before I start, I would like to say I'm no where as near as good as the guys who reguraly post up their creations on here like James ect... But...
I'm probably going to regret sharing this with the whole forum (well actually considering the activity the whole forum has probably already seen it)... I was going to put this on Youtube but I disabled my account a long time ago. I've never played FFV...
i had some time on my hands so i thought id try graphic making. tell me what i can improve on. ...
Does anyone know how to easily convert PSD files to HTML?
A Mother's Love Drusilla Krulle stood there staring at the door, a basket of goods in her arm. The Boards grain looked as if it had trapped... O.o long url, lots of good things. Check it out! Some of... that is the work of professionals. I think I can do......
just a place to post contests. There is one I found, make a horror storyline for a game.
I'm curious if anyone uses this program. Word is that it's a watered down Photoshop.
1. Take a finished banner (of any size) and flatten the image by merging all of the layer's together. 2. Now duplicate the layer by pressing Ctrl...
This tutorial will show you how to make a funky mosaic text effect in 5 easy steps. You're end result will look something like this: ...
This tutorial will show you how to make a burning grunge background which could look like this: ...
Tip of the Month!! Since Emre has retired from Graphics, I will be doing the tip of the month every month now damn you Emre >_> Anywho this...
Tip of the Month!! bee happy Every month Kankuro and I will alternate who will give the Tip of the Month; and for this month, its my turn. ...
Tip of the Month!! Emre You thought I just bashed everyones graphics? You thought wrong! Time for me to share some of my not-so-vast knowledge...
Tip of the Month!! This month, Im afraid, will feature a very simple tip to give your stock image that little something extra. Yes, I am aware...
Use this control to limit the display of threads to those newer than the specified time frame.
Allows you to choose the data by which the thread list will be sorted.
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Note: when sorting by date, 'descending order' will show the newest results first.
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