For discussion of other media and news revolving around Square Enix.
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Squaresoft is splitting from Enix to rekindle their old magic. No, but Yosuke Matsuda, the new SE president has realized that they need to change...
Alright I'm going to inject some fun back into the forum it's the paint Square Enix Game! I am going to say a word related to Square Enix and you...
Exciting time I'm so surprised that kh3 is going to be there so soon :O source: khinsider
Maybe not that literally, but read this Not positive promotion for SE I have to say I do think it must be terribly hard for SE to manage all...
In conjunction with this year's Japan Expo, 2 sites were lucky enough to get a special Nomura interview behind closed doors. Overall I really...
So much juicy info I just literally stumbled upon it this thread will get updated as more comes up , should expect more kh news to come out in the...
Been talking a bit about it over the past days. It's a live and offline youtube channel SE made where they will show lots of interviews, game details...
One of Matsuda's first large statements about the revision of SE's marketing strategy So not only are they planning on focussing more on smart...
The President of Square Enix is resigning from his position. IGN It really sounds bad, when you read about SE's situation. I really hope this... Square Enix's new Café in Japan. Look here to read about it and see a picture...
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