Discuss the titles in the Fabula Nova Crystallis project: Final Fantasy Agito XIII, Final Fantasy XIII, and Final Fantasy Versus XIII.
Just a little thread to answer some of the common questions about the FNC project. What is Fabula Nova Crystallis? FNC is a project by Square...
A bit late, but to those who didn't hear it the other night. Type-0 has finally been officially announced for the western audiance at E3 after...
In 16bit http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fQrBSO74DzA
The internet is blowing up with news about the demo that was featured at places like E3 and PAX, and is now available for download on PSN and Xbox...
For those who haven't heard the news yet, it seems that Square Enix is making yet another FF13 game for the masses. Thought details are currently...
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bvngQiZ8fgs Alot of stuff we have already seen but there is some new gameplay in this trailer, it's looking great :)
http://i.imgur.com/wdlV8EQ.jpg :awesome:
An article has finally shed light on what SE's dilemma with the western release is all about. We've guessed and wondered, and it seems the situation...
Source: http://finalfantasy-xiii.net/ Really it's enough that we have to wait so long, which I'm happy to do but don't go blabbing your mouth...
High school: Versus XIII announced Graduate school: Still not even a release date What about you?
...would you be mad? And if so why?
But noone cares for the sequel, scrap that lets move onto more important things XD FINALLY <3 <3 <3, THANK YOU SE! XD I now finally have a...
Can't post it properly. Server is shit. Click. Maybe it'll actually get released.
Does this forum not care for it?! :O (minus KoFF) I did get to have a go on the japanese demo of it t, it is as dark as it was shown, has a sort...
Just stfu with all this vague "news" and give us the game already. Source Source
Some details have leaked from Famitsu: Source
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bkC1lPinIus&feature=channel_video_title Looks sweet.
Source: http://www.finalfantasyunion.com/news/more-on-type-0s-moogles-summons-and-characters--1634.html Visit the source for the screenshots :) ...
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