The popularity contest to see who is the forum's favourite SE character.
If there was any doubt your 2007/2008 and First ever USEC champion is Squall. Tis a good day for democracy. And as winner he gets his own Fan sub...
The dead shall walk on the soil of mortal men once again. Get ready. . . Fight!
Well, there just has to be one.
Here you go something to keep you busy till the final. Vote away for the bronze medal winner
Sephiroth Vs Axel Mummies boy or Roxas lover You choose
You decide (sorry it is an hour late had other things to sort out)
Heaven or Hell; let's rock!
Cliff or Sephiroth. Choice is yours.
One the master swordsman, one the douche with clown shoes. Heaven or Hell; let's rock.
Thame just given due to not knowing what name set doug wants for round 3 So it's Squall Vs Seifer now choose
Reminder that there will be a day's rest until the 3rd round begins, and also these matches will be for 48 hours, not 24.
Axel and Celes and this time don't make it 50% for each
Shiva Group Alphonse Elric Cliff Ultros Roy Mustang Ifrit Group Gilgamesh
Gabranth Cecil
Tidus Seifer
Dauragon Celes Saix Axel
Gabranth Cecil Basch Zidane
Vote now people Roxas the lost nobody Tidus the crybaby dream Seifer the one living the dream Kefka the clinicaly insane and evil
Vote squall Squall Caim Auron Yuna
Freya Sophia Sephiroth Warrior of Light
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