Any other Square Enix titles/series, like Dragon Quest, Drakengard, and Tomb Raider, can be discussed here.
Deus Ex: Human Revolution...
04-04-2013 02:18 PM
Discussion on the Star Ocean series by Square Enix.
08-02-2013 03:54 PM
Discussion of Square Enix's manga imprints.
Fullmetal Alchemist Completed
06-11-2010 03:43 AM
BOOM. 2 new TR titles announced. One is the sequel to the TR reboot that we have known was in production for a while and the other is a sequel to...
Anyone for yet another Tomb Raider relaunch? Not confident enough in their abilities to make an entirely new franchise with a new character, Crystal...
The sequel has been confirmed to be underway already! It's been hinted at for a few months and there was the whole Kickstarter thing before that, but...
Crimson blood, the dawn, and time tells its tale---One third time!! The dimmest hope come true. Drakengard 3 has been announced! It's been 6-7...
It's been teased for a little while, but now it's official, and here is the first look at the game. ...
A title that was revealed not too long ago. The mystery site for it had very little to go by, but on Twitter the tag phrase was "The hardest case to...
Yes, this is old news, but I stumbled across it now, lulz. Article I think the other guys who cared even a little about these games left long...
Continuing SE's bombardment of the DS with popular franchise titles, it seems Dragon Quest IX will be hitting the popular handheld as well. Anyone...
I just got this sent to my Facebook feed. I have only been playing a couple months, so it is a little sad that it is going away. Oh well. ... Your face when you realize It's CGI It actually isn't
I doubt many if anyone here got this game, and even if you did, you were probably through with this game ages ago (it's not new anymore, lol). ...
Granted, not that many here are that interested in the title, but if you remember back when it was released for X-Box 360, then later PC, but it was...
I have had Unlimited Saga for a few years now, and yet I have never finished one of the storylines. Why? Because each of them are just so good that...
I's Japanese translator? :wot:
More information has been released concerning the upcoming mobile-only installation of Square Enix's Parasite Eve series, The Third Birthday. Five of...
Source Sever error wouldn't let me post the story itself. Sorry.
RPGamer~ (Got linked by Nijiiro) So, this is Project X or..? I don't know much about DS, but I'm aware that this actually is pretty big as... 11...
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