Any other Square Enix titles/series, like Dragon Quest, Drakengard, and Tomb Raider, can be discussed here.
Deus Ex: Human Revolution...
04-04-2013 02:18 PM
Discussion on the Star Ocean series by Square Enix.
08-02-2013 03:54 PM
Discussion of Square Enix's manga imprints.
Fullmetal Alchemist Completed
06-11-2010 03:43 AM
*Drools* Okay, so this is a new game that was unveiled as a sort of pre-E3 surprise, if I got it right. The site has been up as another mystery...
BOOM. 2 new TR titles announced. One is the sequel to the TR reboot that we have known was in production for a while and the other is a sequel to...
Two SE heroes go at it for some random reason. One with spikey hair, one with blue hair. Both great swordsmen with some ownage abilities. Discuss....
More information has been released concerning the upcoming mobile-only installation of Square Enix's Parasite Eve series, The Third Birthday. Five of...
RPGamer~ (Got linked by Nijiiro) So, this is Project X or..? I don't know much about DS, but I'm aware that this actually is pretty big as...
Well I just got this game yesterday and I think it's awsome. I like the design and play of the game. I also like the fact that you receive a Final...
A friend linked me up to this site yesterday and we were both in awe at how majestic this looks... Apparently, Square Enix has registered this...
Anyone for yet another Tomb Raider relaunch? Not confident enough in their abilities to make an entirely new franchise with a new character, Crystal...
So much for my first post..but anyways, I've beaten the last boss and I beat the Dragovian King for the first time. He wasn't TOO challenging. Bbut I...
did you guys get this side quest and if you did how was your team
Okay so i dont have any piccies so just bare with me. Which Riku/Rikku do you like? Okay there's Rikku from FFx and FFX-2 and Riku from KH and KH2....
I havent played any of the valkyrie profile games so i decided to get this game at the store when i stumbled upon it.
Continuing SE's bombardment of the DS with popular franchise titles, it seems Dragon Quest IX will be hitting the popular handheld as well. Anyone...
Kotaku fourplayercoop ... o_O Well...
Science Fiction vs. Mythology Futuristic vs. Medieval Whatever you wanna see it as... Both series were developed by the same company:...
So Tri-Ace, maker of games like Star Ocean and Valkyrie Profile series, is coming with another game named Infinite Undiscovery which has had little...
. . But with puny DS sales. If you've heard of: 'Subarashiki Kono Sekai', aka 'It's A Wonderful World' (not the American title), odds are you...
What is you favorit Dragon Quest
I suddenly felt an urge to write this... *giggles* When I played this game, I had a goal of getting to lvl 100 with my characters... While trying...
Tomb Raider for one. Stale franchise is stale.
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