Any other Square Enix titles/series, like Dragon Quest, Drakengard, and Tomb Raider, can be discussed here.
Deus Ex: Human Revolution...
04-04-2013 02:18 PM
Discussion on the Star Ocean series by Square Enix.
08-02-2013 03:54 PM
Discussion of Square Enix's manga imprints.
Fullmetal Alchemist Completed
06-11-2010 03:43 AM
Has been confired to be made for the Wii a while ago but here is a recent status update about it :) Source:...
Source: - click the source for the image. WTF!? Lara Croft is...
Looks like a desperate attempt by Square to stay relevant. Click.
*Drools* Okay, so this is a new game that was unveiled as a sort of pre-E3 surprise, if I got it right. The site has been up as another mystery...
TR will soon see a PS3 re-release of Legend, Anniversary and Underworld, all in HD and with Trophy support. Also; Male Lara Croft ...
Listen here to their awful rendition of the song, which made it into T3B because they were too cheap to shell out for a licensed version they wanted...
So I've Bern playing Squares latest game, Front Mission Evolved, and it's great. But there are several major flaws that should be fixed,"....
Downloaded it yesterday from PSN. Gives you a small portion of what looks to be the second or maybe third level. Either way, you are kinda thrown...
For publishing the buggiest single player experience I've had all year. At least the arcade and multiplayer is decent Else I would regret...
"Those crazy kids over in Japan are putting together a co-op shooter for Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3. It's called MindJack and, as you might guess,...
Now there's info and screens to be had. Enough for a title specific thread. Click me Do notice that the info is on the right side of the page...
Source & Screenshots Alt. Source Source No images/footage or anything. Don't know if it's a Japan exclusive, or even just a western game...
Previously an iPhone title, now coming to PSN & XBLA. YouTube- SPACE INVADERS INFINITY GENE: E3 Trailer
YouTube- Threads of fate intro (PlayStation) Source This game was never before released in Europe, and it's unknown if the release will...
So I'm assuming this is Project X. YouTube- Nerkas Solutions Inc. YouTube- Nerkas Solutions Inc.
Epic story with hundreds of plot twists and incredibly deep characters! CLEARLY A 10/10! =D Seeing as almost no information has been revealed, I doubt expectations are that high. Source
Its been available on PSN since the 28th. It's a remake of a very old Squaresoft game called Thexder, from 1985. Never knew of either till a few days...
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