The first of the Fabula Nova Crystallis compilation.
Use this thread to update us all on your current progress through FFXIII. Be sure to use spoiler tags where necessary. Enjoy. - Currently waiting...
» Treasure Hunter Trophy Guide/Checklist « Without a doubt, this is the most difficult, time-consuming and frustrating trophy to acheive in the...
Click here. The site is a lifesaver. It has the requirements for each mission, a map that shows you the Cie'th stone and mark location, the...
Everyone knows about these by now. I read them a while ago (a month back?) or so and was wondering if everyone else did already? This thread is so we... Spoony is back. As always I laughed outl oud at points I found really funny his...
Manly tears when you realise what happened to him. I wonder if its the first one you actually slay.
Though it's highly unlikely since Eidolons have to be defeated in battle before use, Serah's a l'Cie, and technically has been gifted the chance to...
Ha, self-referential dialogue ftw. Went to Eden and got a whole new look? I remember when you looked like this:
I noticed today for the first time, that that Adamantoise has what looks like a seat on it! :O ...
Article example No-one posted it so... But yeah, there is good chance this is SE's registered domain for yet another XIII sequel. If this sees...
When you see it, you'll =O... I found this hilarious, thanks to RK for telling me about this XD. I'm surprised i...
According to her voice actress anyway. Listen.
"Step into the rainbow, find another view Chase the tender light, borders let's cross over Ready to define the mists inside your heart? Take a...
, you just got Snow back. You are drooling over the 10,000 CP he has to spend and all those lovely stats shooting up. Whats this? His default...
Has it effected your enjoyment of the game? Is it as noticeable as you thought it would be?
Who would you join? Not that it looks bad, but...
Click. Whoever wrote this list needs to draw upon more sources. Yes, FF is known for its androgynous male characters, but I never really considered...
"You'd think having a numbered entry in the Final Fantasy series would give the Xbox 360 a boost in Japan. But this didn't happen. Final Fantasy...
Source I called it: Square Enix. One game every two years? lolololol.
I'll only remember it fondly due to the soundtrack. Apart from that, its pretty much utterly forgettable.
Several websites have posted their impressions of FFXIII today: - Though I'm offended it's on the 360 version, this article by Gamespot is an...
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