Forum for talk on the popular sequel to Final Fantasy XIII
Use this thread to update us all on your current progress through FFXIII-2. Given the non-linear nature of the game, it would be wise to use spoiler...
A new character to appear in the upcoming game. she is described as a goth version of Serah, at first I though Square had gone nuts and created a...
Who will you choose and why? I hate how Serah runs, so likely Noel. But I don't really like him that much either. Is the Flanbulance an option? =\
White Mage costume for Serah, Black Mage for Noel. Lightning chapter name revealed (including her upgraded Army of One attack revealed). Valhalla...
Since I started coming back here, I started re-playing XIII-2, and realized the only thing I did for monster was just level them up to near max, and...
With the inclusions of Ultros, Typhon, Gilgamesh and Pupu as DLC, it's clear that Square have both run out of original ideas for bestiary (a downward... My first reaction was surprise, I honestly didn't...
GIVE THEM YOUR MONEY. At least Gilgamesh looks like a champ.
Click. For anyone sick of hearing how "The Goddess will smile upon me this time!"
What? Credits just finished, not sure how I feel about this.
On PSN (and X-Box Live since yesterday). Yeah, another thread about this but it's out now. Once again I didn't really expect the DLC to be...
Well, its rumoured, at least. And given the Assassin's Creed costume DLC, its no surprise Square Enix is dying to cash-in on the success of both...
Anyone have much hope for this answering anything about the ending? I still have some sort of hope left, that what left of the story can be saved,...
Hard to imagine, isn't it? I was just thinking about Lightning with another man, and for some reason I can't really imagine it well. We've already...
- Opponent: Nabaat is available now on PSN (and X-box LIVE) We knew it was coming, but I figured it was just slated for Japan around now, so I...
On PSN (and X-Box since yesterday) -Noel's Weapon: Catastrophe Blade -Noel's Weapon: Muramasa -Serah's Weapon: Seraphic Wing -Serah's Weapon:...
I was not prepared for this level of emotion. ;; Everything from The Void Beyond to New Bodhum 700 AF was excellent. I loved playing as Serah in her...
The status quo shifts so dramatically in the final few minutes of XIII-2, that the ending doesn't really offer much closure. The inclusion of the...
Do you ever go to the past? All this constantly travelling further in time is getting dull, and i only have 4 artifacts.
Anyone succeeded in recruiting any of the DLC bosses? I've beaten Lightning and Amodar 5 times now, 3 with 5*s and still not got their crystals. =
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