Forum for talk on the popular sequel to Final Fantasy XIII
Use this thread to update us all on your current progress through FFXIII-2. Given the non-linear nature of the game, it would be wise to use spoiler...
The status quo shifts so dramatically in the final few minutes of XIII-2, that the ending doesn't really offer much closure. The inclusion of the...
Anyone succeeded in recruiting any of the DLC bosses? I've beaten Lightning and Amodar 5 times now, 3 with 5*s and still not got their crystals. =
Does Academia solve the "no towns" problem from which XIII suffered for you? It's grand, labyrinthine and ultra-modern (an HD Esthar surely?) but is...
So with claims that an entire game's worth of content was cut from XIII, and given how soon after XIII-2 came about, what (apart from the obvious) do...
What did you like and dislike? I thought the whole OST was lacklustre and even pretty terrible in places. The odd song here and there from XIII was...
I'm tempted to believe Lightning and Snow will only have very minor roles in XIII-2. In fact I wouldn't be surprised if most of the supporting cast...
Fascinating stuff guys.
These DLC costume designs make Serah's new look a lot more bearable. I think they deliberately designed the default one to be hideous in order to... ...
...fetch quests: lololololol, are you serious Square?
Saw this on Kotaku, thought it was pretty accurate. Impressed with the weapon, even if I think the original designs are lame, lol. ...
Didn't post the NA/Japan ones because they're irrelevant and ugly. We got the best version, even if it has unnecessary cropping. ...
Take a look.
Featuring extra outfits for Serah and Noel, Omega Weapon and Lightning as an opponent in the Coliseum.
In an entirely unpredictable move, Square Enix will offer Ezio's default armour from Assassin's Creed: Revelations as an alternate DLC outfit for...
Just in case you haven't heard it yet, this is an actual "song" on the XIII-2 OST. It's not a parody. I repeat, not a parody, but real. ...
DLC should only ever be used to expand upon a game, offering those players who wish to further their experience the chance to do so, by paying more...
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