Forum for talk on the popular sequel to Final Fantasy XIII
Use this thread to update us all on your current progress through FFXIII-2. Given the non-linear nature of the game, it would be wise to use spoiler...
Final Fantasy XIII-2 demo coming to PSN January 10th. No details yet. Not sure if EU as well as US. Source
I really don't like this new look, lol: ...
Whoopdie doo! Hopefully no more mistakes. Toryiama will be directing. To Be Released 2011. ...
These DLC costume designs make Serah's new look a lot more bearable. I think they deliberately designed the default one to be hideous in order to...
Anyone have much hope for this answering anything about the ending? I still have some sort of hope left, that what left of the story can be saved,...
Saw this on Kotaku, thought it was pretty accurate. Impressed with the weapon, even if I think the original designs are lame, lol. ...
Losing the will to live with this game, but I want to complete it fully. I glanced over a complete bestiary and compared it to mine, as I went...
Just in case you haven't heard it yet, this is an actual "song" on the XIII-2 OST. It's not a parody. I repeat, not a parody, but real. ...
IGN 80/100 Gametrailers 8,8/10 Gamespot 7,5/10 Play UK 80/100 Playstation: The Official Magazine (US) 80/100 Game Informer 80/100 It's...
And now we know why the originals look so awful. So they can charge more something better. ...
With the inclusions of Ultros, Typhon, Gilgamesh and Pupu as DLC, it's clear that Square have both run out of original ideas for bestiary (a downward...
I'm tempted to believe Lightning and Snow will only have very minor roles in XIII-2. In fact I wouldn't be surprised if most of the supporting cast...
Save yourself the money, watch this: Available now on XBL and from tomorrow on PSN.
Anyone succeeded in recruiting any of the DLC bosses? I've beaten Lightning and Amodar 5 times now, 3 with 5*s and still not got their crystals. =
Were you disappointed with the chocobo racing? Cause I was. It's mind numbingly boring, you mostly just watch the race and use the boost bar at the...
I deduct that catching all 150 monsters is going to be a pain in the ass, there's going to be something silly like one is really easily missable and...
A new character to appear in the upcoming game. she is described as a goth version of Serah, at first I though Square had gone nuts and created a...
So with claims that an entire game's worth of content was cut from XIII, and given how soon after XIII-2 came about, what (apart from the obvious) do...
...fetch quests: lololololol, are you serious Square?
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