Forum for talk on the popular sequel to Final Fantasy XIII
Use this thread to update us all on your current progress through FFXIII-2. Given the non-linear nature of the game, it would be wise to use spoiler...
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that Yeul constantly dying had an almost comical effect in the end? I regard her in the same way as Kenny from South Park.
Losing the will to live with this game, but I want to complete it fully. I glanced over a complete bestiary and compared it to mine, as I went...
Got at least 7777 coins from slots (Have the lucky coin fragment) and I've won 2384 coins from racing. Where the fuck is my trophy? Or do you...
Ummm.... What?
Were you disappointed with the chocobo racing? Cause I was. It's mind numbingly boring, you mostly just watch the race and use the boost bar at the...
So she claims not to be human, and Dajh named the Chocobo chick Chocolina. What?
Why did no one mention this arbiter of rape? He punches shit so hard they explode in a ball of godly rage.
What are they? Are those the DLC episodes? Given their positioning I'd assume they were in the past, but knowing Square, DLC is the only answer....
Save yourself the money, watch this: Available now on XBL and from tomorrow on PSN.
FML for the most part with some silliness thrown in. Great references at times though, lol. Seriously though what a chore amirite.
Probably the most annoying thing about this game is working out what kind of monster materials are required to level up the monsters, chocolina never...
Hilarious to see Alyssa get her comeuppance. I think Serah & Snow's quest for 13 Crystals is likely to be DLC.
Seriously, their DLC model is the worst. DLC shouldn't be about knowing you are missing content from the game, and having "Card tables will be...
Which accent did you find most awful/offensive? Which was lacking for you? Personally I'd like to have heard an Indian accent.
Presenting Serah's "beachwear", and Noel as "Spacetime Guardian, each costing $2.99 / 240 Microsoft Points / 1.99 / £1.59: ...
Does Academia solve the "no towns" problem from which XIII suffered for you? It's grand, labyrinthine and ultra-modern (an HD Esthar surely?) but is...
I've read they are good to have as they go to level 99, but they don't really have much in the way of abilities? Should I just infuse them with...
The return of dat theme. Fuck yeah moment. But when he had his l'cie tattoo back, im not certain what that scene was trying to tell you; a) he...
What did you like and dislike? I thought the whole OST was lacklustre and even pretty terrible in places. The odd song here and there from XIII was...
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