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Vampire kingdom
I came up with this story. This is set in the real world, cause so many RPs are in fake worlds. Basically, its just about vampires, werewolves, etc etc. Post who your character is, and then you can join. I will be Rain, a young teenager who was blooded and taken into the vampire world unwillingly. However, he realised he needed the vampire who sired him's help or he wouldn't be able to control himself. He was bitten and changed when the vampiress had led him on. However, she was shot by the police in the head, a fatal shot even for vampires, about half a year after he had been turned in Paris. The story goes on from there. So if you want to join, just post your character. You dont have to be supernatural. You could be human and be turned into vampire or werewolf or whatever. Here we go:
Rain staggered through the streets. He had been shot in the leg, but luckily the bullet went straight through and so his leg was beginning to heal. Vampires had amazing healing qualities. Rain stopped, and hid behind a dumpster. He couldn't believe she was dead. He had always hated her for turning him, but over the past months he had been starting to like her. He jumped onto the rooftop. He had to get out of Paris. He spoke no french. He jumped from building to building. He was fairly certain that he had lost them. He landed on the ground and wiped his lips of the blood. He called a taxi off the road and told the cabbie to take him to the airport. The security there was a joke for a vampire. The only problem was that the flight had been delayed because of a storm. He waited in the loo for about an hour, so that noone would see him. However the police had reached the airport. No flights would get off the ground. "Damn." He thought. With his hearing he could hear the police come closer to the mens toilets. Luckily there was noone in there at the time. He jumped up onto the top of the cubicle, balancing on one side of it, and opened an air duct into the vents. He climbed through shut the opening. Crawling through, he prayed no one would hear him.
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Name: Leon
Age: 18
Race: Human
Weapon: Gunblade
Description: Is a police officer, but gets an injury that means he couldn't be a foot officer and he can only work from the office and occasionally chase criminals.
Leon led the police into the mens toilets to scout, there was nothing there. "alright head back outside i just need to check around a bit." said Leon, "Ok sir!" said one of the officers as he led the troops outside. "You dont have to run away you know." said Leon, hoping that the criminal would hear. "We can always work something out im sure of it." said Leon leaving the toilets and back outside.
OOC:okay well i'll post my name and what i am
Name: Urak
Race: Pure-Vampire( Both his parents were Vampires)
Urak was walking through the streets of Paris looking for someone, It was night of course, as Vampires can not survive in daylight. Urak was used to getting his own way within the Vampire community as he was Pure Blood. Other Vampires, such as ones that were bitten and changed always respected pure bloods expect one vampire : Rain. Rain had owed Urak money for along time and Uraks Family were not ones who would sit and wait for it to be repaid, if one person stepped out line, even missing payments it would noramlly lead to their deaths.
Urak, had no Vampire features expect for his Vampire teeth, so he could easily blend in with the crowd.
Urak began to walk over to the Toilets, he was picking up a vampire sent, He was Hungry!
OOC: Time for me to go, see ya.
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OOC: Srry I g2g after this post. Be back tomorrow(British Time).
BIC: "Crap. Urak." Rain crawled quickly. He had not met many vampires sinced he turned, but Urak was one he had. Rain owed Urak blood. That was what vampires betted. He only did it because he wanted to look good in front of his sire. But he lost. And Urak was back. He had to get out before Urak alerted the police. He crawled quickly and leapt out the building side. He grabbed a parked motorbike and hotwired it. He quickly sped off out of Paris, up north.
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Leon went outside, "He isn't in here anymore!" he shouted to his head officer. "What?" the officer replied. "HE ISN'T HERE ANY LONGER!" shouted Leon, he had to shout pretty loud as the helicopters in the air were making a racket. "Let's give this one a miss for now!" shouted Leon to his Head Officer. Everyone got in their vehicles and left the airport leaving the Aeroplanes free to take off and land freely again.
The Divine Retributer
Name: Blade (Sorry for being un original but not everything of him will be like film)
Race: Day walker (Has Vamp Qualities but can go out during the day)
Occupation: Vampire hunter
His mother was Sired by a vamp when she was 8 months pregnant with him causing a premature birth. He was picked up by a passer by who found him and raised him as a hunter. Now 20 years later he is grown up and a the most feard hunter Famous by Vamps who fear him and other hunters who envy him.
Blade had just entered Paris on the hunt for the Vampire named Rain he had been searching for a while but this one had eluded him for a while. "This guy is either good or lucky" he thought to himself walking into the toilets. He saw Urak "Hi" he said while sniffing. Smelling his vamp Breath he grabbed his gun Ready to attack
Name: Abby
Age: 18
Race: Human
Occupation: Student
Descrption: Very curious. Studies a lot up on vampires and werewolves as a secret hobby as you could say. Isn't nessassarily an outkast but is very picky about friends.
As Abby walked through the main doors, bags in hand, reading a book, she raised her eyes and looked behind her. She had to brush away her long brown hair at first but saw a few cop cars leaving the airport. "Geez, that makes ME feel safe." she said as she turned around and continued to the bagage check in. She sent her bags into the check in and went through the carry on section. She crammed her laptop and book bag through the scanned, and was free to go through with ticket at hand. She was at terminal 13 when she was found herself reading her book but side tracked. She walked around, and found the bathroom. She didn't have to USE it but a little touch up on the hair wouldn't be a bad idea. With her carry ons at hand she went to the bathroom doing the normal girl stuff. Fixing the hair, reapllying the lip gloss when she heard something in the vents above her that deffinately wasn't the air conditioning taking a break. She looked up and saw movement. "Hello?" she asked looked up at the ceiling with lip gloss in hand.
Race:100% Human
Occupation:Hunter(not Vampire Slayer)
Nathan just hides behind the tree and sleeps for a while
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Speeding off, Rain drove quickly. After a couple of hours, he reached the docks of Callais, and bordered a ship bound for england. He hid out in Gatwick airport for a while. He didn't know where to go. Before he knew it, the sun came up. As a new born, the sun didn't kill him, but it did make him incredibly sick. He decided to wait at the airport for the day. After an hour the passengers of a plane from Paris came through. Thankfully Urak wasn't on it, but he recognised the smell of a young girl who he had bumped into in Paris. He decided to follow her, to kill time. He learned that her name was Abby, and she was waiting for another flight to New York. Close to evening, when their flight was about to come, a young man approached Abby. By the smell Rain knew he was a werewolf. The man led the girl on, and they quickly went outside. Rain followed them into an old alley way. The man had gone into wolf form, and the girl was screaming, but nobody heard her. Rain leapt on the wolf. He was obviously an experienced werewolf, Rain was pinned down in seconds. But just as the wolf was about to rip Rain's throat out, the girl hit it round the head with a dustbin lid. This didn't knock it out, but it did daze it long enough for Rain to grab it's leg and throw it against the wall. Unconscious, the wolf turned back into a human. Rain grabbed the girls hand and pulled her to the entrance of the alley. But before she could even say anything, 3 wolves appeared at the entrance. There was no way out. The girl was just saying to herself that this was impossible, it can't be happening.
"Hi" Blade said.
Urak knew of blade, a Vampire hunter.
"Ahhh, the famous day-walker, what brings you to the streets of paris?"
Urak struggled and got freee of Blades grasp
"I'm so sorry we couldn't chat for longer, but i have bussiness with Rain to sort out, but don't worry, out time will come soon enough" With that Urak lept into the air and through the sub-way, Blade lost his track.
Urak, still in Paris gave up searching for Rain, for now. Urak decided to go to his Vampire home In Washington, he had to catch a plane to get there, no easy job with the Day-walker around. Urak was wanted by many Vampire hunters and slayers, he knew leaving on a plane was a big risk. Urak sat down on the side-walk until the sun came up, thinking of where Rain could be, he couldn't think straight. The sun was coming up and Urak have no choice but to hide in an abbandoned building. The first thing Urak did was to board up the windows with anything he could find, even one ray of the sun could be fatal to a Pure-Blood.
Urak had to wait until darkness fell on the city once again, he hadn't eaten and he was Very hungry but he resisted the temptation to go out in the sun, many pure-bloods could not resist, and in the end killing themsleves by walking in the sun. But Urak was strong and held out until night fall. Finally Urak stepped out into the streets once again and searched for away out, the only way to America, without using a plane was to go by boat, to England. He knew that was the only way there.
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