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Thread: Vampire kingdom

  1. #11
    Needs a Custom Title snakebullet's Avatar
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    Rain summoned all his power and, with the girl in hand, jumped as high as he could. He managed to grab onto a window sill 15 feet up. He then swung the girl up onto the roof top. He heard a snap as she broke her ankle. Pulling himself up, he jumped off the window and onto the roof top. The girl was crying, but Rain had to get out of here. He had come against one werewolf before in his life time, and he knew that they would be able to track him anywhere. He just had to outrun them. However, he was weak from lack of blood. He just had to hope, and maybe get to the police. They could defend them. They wouldn't be able to kill the wolves, but they would hurt them like hell. He picked up the girl, who was trying to hit him, but he felt nothing, and jumped from building to building. He eventually reached a jump which he couldn't do in his weakened condition. He jumped off the roof and into an open convertible. He pulled the ignition out and hotwired it as fast as he could. He manage to speed away just as the first wolf was on them. It was slowly holding on to the back, slowly crawling up it. Rain tried to shake it off, but it just held on. It managed to scratch Abby with it's claws before Rain hit it and it fell off. Rain sped off to London.

  2. #12
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    Race:Pure Werewolf
    Paline is the leader of a werewolf pack in southern england. Although it is true that werewolfs must turn into their wolf form at full moon, they can be human or wolf at any other time and can walk in daylight. Due to the incresed tensions between wws and vamps, paline had his pack out in human form in daylight and wolf form at night, scouting his territory for potential new werewolves and vampire attackers. This evening all had returned to report in except for four of his more experienced trackers. He wondered what they had found.

  3. #13
    OMG GET A CUSTOM ALREADY! AFaythDreamer's Avatar
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    I'll join! :D You know I'll join any rp that is intresting! :D
    Name: Yunalesca (You should know that :D)
    Age: Lookes 13, but is 21 (You should know that too)
    Race: Was human but know is a cyborg
    Weapon: 2 pistols which change to two katales
    Bio: Is kinda an outcast. She can be an enigma or a cheerful youth, depending on her "mood". Is a good ally to have. (You should know the rest. lol.)
    Yunalesca walked throught the thick crowds. People pushed her aside. She kept walking against the crowd as if she was the only one going the right way. People bumped into her and wondered why she was out by herself. Some said curses at her but she didn't care. She was looking for someone.

  4. #14
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    paline decided to send out a couple of tracker wolves to find the missing four. "Use your wolf scent to find them but as soon as you have located them turn human again. Carry these guns around your necks so you have a weapon if your human. If they are cannot be found report back her within two hours. now go."

    Paline watched them go and rubbed his star. As a direct decsendant of one of the transylvanian wolf barons, he had a star over his heart. In wolf form this would be a glowing star and in human form it would be like a birth mark. It prevented silver entering his heart and was good protection against stakes. You would have to be of vampiric strength to drive wood through his chest.

  5. #15
    Needs a Custom Title snakebullet's Avatar
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    The girl had been screaming in the car for a while, but Rain just put the hood up on the car. She soon fell quiet. Then she noticed the scars on Rains neck. "What are those?" She said.
    "They're scars."
    "Who are you?"
    "...Just call me Rain."
    "What were those wolves back there? Were they werewolves?"
    "Yes." Abby shrunk in thought. She suddenly realised she had been scratched.
    "What is it?"
    "That wolf scratched me."
    "Show me." Rain looked at the wound, but when he saw the blood, he through the hand back, afraid he might try to drink it. Ever since he was sired, he had refused to drink blood. Vampires could sometimes go a month or 2 without blood but Rain had gone 6 months. He wouldn't drink it. The only reason he had lasted this long was because he was a newborn.
    "Ow! Why did you throw it back?"
    "...Do you know anybody in London you can stay with?" Rain immediately took back the idea in his head, the werewolves would track her. "No, wait. You're gonna have to come with me."
    "What! You're kidding me, let me go. My friends are probably worried sick about m..."
    "Your friends are probably dead."
    "Just who are you, really? You're...a...vampire aren't you?"
    "...No! What gave you that idea?"
    "The fact that you jumped fifteen foot in the air and have 2 scars in the side of your neck."
    "..Yes. Yes I am a vampire. Are you happy. Now shutup or I'll suck you dry." Abby sat in silence.

  6. #16
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    When Paline got fed up waiting for his slow witted subservients to reappear he went searching by himself. Unlike most werewolves he had an amazing sense of smell in human form so he didn't need to transform. He trotted round the streets sniffing the air, ignoring the shocked faces of onlookers whatching him go by. Rounding a corner. He smacked straight into a young lady knocking her to te groung. Being a gentleman, he lifted her to her feet. The silly woman was half unconscious so he carried her back to his den and warned the other werewlves to leave her be and stay in human form and by NO MEANS are they to bite her.

  7. #17
    Needs a Custom Title snakebullet's Avatar
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    Rain dumped the car and quickly brought Abby to the an abandoned house. Even with there smell, it would take werewolves a day or 2 to track a car from Gatwick airport to London. Rain tied Abby up, to make sure she didn't try to escape then he tried to get to sleep. He still couldn't believe his sire was dead. He tried to get to sleep, but he couldn't. It didn't matter, vampires didn't need much sleep. At dawn he got up. As a newborn, the suns rays only made him a bit sick, so he wore a big coat with a hood. Abby didn't make a sound. She knew that before she could even open her lips Rain could cover them with his hand. They quickly found a carpark with some cars. Rain chose a company car park because that way the car would only be reported stolen when the owner came out for lunch. He hotwired another convertible and drove off out of London. He had to keep moving to lose the wolves. If he could take a small plane, he would avoid their smell. Unfortunately, he'd never had flying lessons before. It was a gamble, but he hoped it wasn't too hard. He headed for the nearest private airfield on the map.

  8. #18
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    OOC: ookay, i'll join.
    Name: Kiko (but call her Moonbeam)
    Age: sweet 16!
    Race: Half-demon and half-angel.
    Appearance: Short black hair. Beet red eyes. Navy blue top with black jeans that have navy blue stripes. The jeans look like they're torn apart. Wears no shoes. Note that Kiko also has one black wing and one white wing, like Sephiroth. Kiko only shows her wings at night.
    Weapon: Tetsaiga (sword from Inuyasha)
    Job: "Samurai" (I guess you could call her that. lol)
    Biography: Has a short temper, but a warm heart. Moonbeam lead a terrible past,:crutches: and won't let anyone no about it or show it.

    Moonbeam sits on a bench in Paris, staring at the airport. She can sense several werewolves and vampires in the building. Moonbeam walks up and starts for the airport. Then she buys a ticket for New York in America. As Moonbeam waits for the plane to arrive, she spots her worst enemy........URAK!

  9. #19
    OMG GET A CUSTOM ALREADY! AFaythDreamer's Avatar
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    Yunalesca woke up. Head pounding for some reason. "Oh man....were am I now?" She stumbled up. The ceiling of the place was jagged. "A den?" She rubbed the back of her head. She remembered running into some guy on the walkway. Everything else was a total blank.

  10. #20
    OMG GET A CUSTOM ALREADY! Melaaniee's Avatar
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    Abby sat silently in the car Rain. Just a few hours ago, she was reading up on this stuff but now that it is happening it's all tooo weird! But still, it is pretty, cool, she thought to herself. She had been siting silently this whole time, and then realized. Her stuff! All her stuff from the airport... uh... great... 'I'm gunna have such a hard time getting it all back' she though to herself when she raised her eyes to see a private airport. She looked over at Rain in his cloak, the looked back a plane that flew over them.

    "Where exactly are we going?" she asked Rain. He didn't respond. She opened her mouth to speak again and he simply said "BE quiet." She then placed her head against the window and feel asleep considering she hadn't fallen asleep while at the abandoned house. I mean would YOU spend the night at a vampires house. I don't think so...

    Tap Tap... I heard on her window and she jumped. Rain opened her car door and momentarily Abby was off balance from leaning on the door. "Come on, we gotta go." he said. Abby, knowing by now not to talk to him, just nodding and got out of the car. Rain led the way and Abby walked a few paces behind. "Come on!" Rain looked back and grabbed Abby's arm and proceeded to the air planes.

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