Name: Sen (short for §ena¥faiº)
Age: 230 Demon years (equal to 18 human years)
Race: Demon (a combination of vampire-human + vampire)
Weapons: Two small ninja daggers and 4-foot Broad Sword.
Occupation: None (he is on a quest for the legendary Phoenix Blood)
Sen walked through the night on the streets of London with his Broad Sword in hand and his mouth bloodied. He had just had a feast of three humans and was ready to continue his quest for the Phoenix Blood. Then he heard police sirens from behind him..
The cars stopped and the sirens stopped. He heard car doors open and a police officer yelled "Freeze!"
He slowly turned around, his eyes unaffected by the bright lights that shined from the cars. He saw maybe 5 police cars and about 8 armed officers pointing their guns at him.
"Heh...," Sen chuckled.
He closed his eyes and a flash of red light struck London's sky. It all came together and changed into a gigantic ball of red that glowed above Sen and the officers about 500 feet in the air. Sen's wings spread from out of his back and he flew off into the sky as the ball of red material descended, landed, and exploded on the officers and everything within 1000 feet. As for Sen, his search in London had ended and the Demon was bound for New York City with an evil grin on his face, revealing his tiger shark-like sharp teeth covered in thick red blood...
Rain, checked to make sure no one was watching, and led them both to a plane. They both got in. "Do you know what you are doing?" she asked. "And I suppose you would?" Rain asked as he turned of a few swtiches. "Actually, yeah, I would." she said and Rain looked at her. "Be my guest." he said and they switched seats. Abby push on 3 swithces, pressed 4 buttons and raised 2 levels and they were down the runway. "Impressive but can you get it up?" Rain challenged Abby and on that second she lifted the plan causes Rains head to hit the back of the seat.
About 10 minutes had passed and they were still in silence. Rain just sat there while Abby flew the plane. Abby knew she had to say something, she doesn't like weird silence like this. "Um I guess I should say thanks, for last night." she said quietly. Rain just looked at her and then placed his head back against the head rest. Abby signed... "So, where do you want me to land?"
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"This is a private plane, so they'll have parachutes. Does this thing have enough fuel to get us to New York? I can let you go there. Good. Okay. We'll parachute out the plane about half a mile from Manhattan. We'll let the plane crash in the sea, and swim to shore. You can swim can't you?"
"A little bit, but maybe not half a mile."
"Don't worry I'll help you there. Okay, you good with parachuting? Don't worry, I've done some parachuting before, I can set up the equipment. You just have to jump and pull the chord. Okay, you pilot, and I'll get to sleep. It'll take a couple hours to get there. Wake me when we're near." With that Rain tried to get to sleep. However, his hunger kept him up. He could smell her fresh blood, flowing through her veins. She wouldn't be able to fight him, he knew. But he stopped himself. There was a strange smell about her blood. It was....
"Werewolf! Your blood, its werewolf. You're a werewolf!"
"Werewolf! Your blood, its werewold. You're a werewolf!"
"No I'm not! I swear! I swear!" Abby got scared 'What is he talking about I'm not werewolf!'
"How can I trust you.... you... you werewolf!"
Abby looks like she's gunna cry because she doesn't get it and she is afraid Rain is gunna like... kill her! "I swear I swear I swear."
Just then they both look at Abby's scratch from the werewolf.
"See!" Rain points...
"Yeah but I didn't get bitten!"
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Leon was riding along with his Police partner, when they saw a Ferrari speeding. Leon picked up the radio "Ferrari, heading towards London, speeding about 120 MPH!" he said, "Roger!" they replied.
"Follow that Ferrari!" shouted Leon to his partner who was driving. "Yes sir!" They chased the Ferrari for ages. It looked like both cars could run out of fuel any minute soon.
The Ferrari eventually came to a stop and then Leon got out of the car taking his Gunblade with him he knocked on the driver's window. When he opened it he saw straight away that the driver had two scars on his neck. Leon didn't say anything about it.
"Can I see you drivers licence and your car licence, please." Leon said, The driver handed them over. Leon checked them and everything was OK. "thank you sir, just dont travel so fast next time." As Leon went to give back the Licences the Vampire Driver grabbed his arm and bit him. Leon fell to the ground holding his arm, The Ferrari drove off again.
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"It doesn't matter, a scratch is as bad as a bite. Damn, I can't let you go now."
"Why not?" said Abby in tears.
"Because you might end up eating someone. Im gonna have to stay with you until you can control yourself in wolf form. Okay first lesson, werewolves can transform any time they want, but when its a full moon, they have to transform. Actually, thats about all I know besides the silver bullet thing. Don't worry, Im not gonna kill you."
"Whatever take the plane," Abby said and left the cockpit closing the door behind her. Rain quickly took over the plane although he had to admit he had no idea what he was doing. It was quiet but Rain could hear Abby crying.
A hour passed by and Abby had fallen asleep in the back part of the plane. Rain, put the plane on auto pilot, and decided to go back and check on her. He knocked on the door. "Hey, u ok?" she didn't answer so he opened the door. She was sleeping, laid across two chairs and there were marks where she had cried herself to sleep. He looked at her scratch and it seemed like it just wouldn't heal. Her blood on her scratch and Rain couldn't take it anymore....
Nathan wakes up and takes out his gun abd says " Its time to kill some vampires"
He goes into some castle and sees a bat and the bat says " I will eat you alive"
And nathan says "I'm gonna eat you alive"
and the bat turns into a big vampire......5 times bigger than Nathan
Nathan takes out his Shutgun and puts 7 shotgun shells in them
Nathan shot the Big vampire and it dies
Some red shiny orb came out of the bat and goes into Nathan
After the battle Nathan now can fly for some weird reason
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"No... I won't," but the words never got past his lips, because they were busy drinking blood from her neck. He managed to stop himself from drinking to much. She was still asleep. He wasn't sure what he should do. He might have taken too much blood. He could here her heartbeat slow down. "Damn it!" He knew only one way to save her. He cut his wrists with his sharp nails, and let the blood go in to the cut. His wrists immediately healed, but he felt drained from the lack of blood. Soon her cuts started to heal. He wasn't sure what Abby had now become, but he couldn't take the loss of blood, and passed out just as he saw Abby awake.
"Hey, hey hey wake up!" she said as her normal self but then felt really tired. She tried nudging him to wake up... "come on... get up..." Not knowing what else to do she managed to get him where she had previously been asleep and when to the cockpit. They only had a nother hour and then they would be there. The plane was still on auto pilot but she sat in the cock pit still. She sat idian style with her head on her hands but she touched her neck it stung. She looked confused and then looked back at Rain. "Omg..." she said to herself. She checked her scar from where the werewolf had scratched her but it was now only a scar. She managed to find a mirror and looked at her neck. There were bite marks but they were healing fast. She looked at her neck in disgust, put down the mirror, and went back to where Rain was. She wondered how she could wake him up. She went back into the bathroom got some toilet paper, and started cleaning up the blood that had dried on his wrist. He started to stirr but only a little bit. "Hey you ok?" she asked.
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