Was hoping not to like it... But I kinda did >_>.
It still seems kinda half-baked. While this is an official now-professional project, it still shows it's not exactly big budget. I think I heard some microphone issues and some of the animations were just... Weird. But with the voice acting that mostly was kinda good (despite also lacking behind big budget scale) it gave the whole thing a certain charm. Either way, it already looks like it's going to come along nicely as a movie compared to the stand-alone trailers that made me question if they could make anything good out of this, long-term.
I like the beginning and some of the characters, like that orange haired dude with the hat, was made pretty well and I could have been fooled into thinking it was from a real japanese cell shading game. I also liked "Quistis". When she mentioned her own name however, it went from Garden to Hogwarts -.-...
There's actua non-cell shadel anime footage in the series as well? That's a nice touch.
Also, am I the only one who senses some FF inspiration with that last shot with the castle and the waterfall? All I could think of was Alexandria in FFIX, lol.
I liked the mysterious female villain in thew air vehicle. From the shadows she looked kinda cool and her moves were innovative as well. But creative moves are Monty's speciality after all. Well mostly. I kinda think this web-series can prove to be his ticket to fame. Not so much for his animation, but that too. I just think his ideas has some degree of potential for big budget movies, but that's of course still only in theory since it's not impossible to fully translate animated movies into live-action. A downside is that the moves and ability he invents lack soul. It's just awesome action, which is great for action movies... But it might be too soon to judge that anyway, since this was just ep 1 of his first bigger continuated story that doesn't only involve fighting and bad character relation references (Dead Fantasy).
The music seemed fine and it was nice to see the ending sequence with the whole cast and crew behind the show instead of just Monty-Monty all the time.
So... I think I'll follow this series a bit further still. One might have their opinions, but if there's anything these movies are, it's entertaining.