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Thread: Rwby

  1. #21
    Khiraxi KoFF's Avatar
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    Was hoping not to like it... But I kinda did >_>.

    It still seems kinda half-baked. While this is an official now-professional project, it still shows it's not exactly big budget. I think I heard some microphone issues and some of the animations were just... Weird. But with the voice acting that mostly was kinda good (despite also lacking behind big budget scale) it gave the whole thing a certain charm. Either way, it already looks like it's going to come along nicely as a movie compared to the stand-alone trailers that made me question if they could make anything good out of this, long-term.
    I like the beginning and some of the characters, like that orange haired dude with the hat, was made pretty well and I could have been fooled into thinking it was from a real japanese cell shading game. I also liked "Quistis". When she mentioned her own name however, it went from Garden to Hogwarts -.-...

    There's actua non-cell shadel anime footage in the series as well? That's a nice touch.
    Also, am I the only one who senses some FF inspiration with that last shot with the castle and the waterfall? All I could think of was Alexandria in FFIX, lol.

    I liked the mysterious female villain in thew air vehicle. From the shadows she looked kinda cool and her moves were innovative as well. But creative moves are Monty's speciality after all. Well mostly. I kinda think this web-series can prove to be his ticket to fame. Not so much for his animation, but that too. I just think his ideas has some degree of potential for big budget movies, but that's of course still only in theory since it's not impossible to fully translate animated movies into live-action. A downside is that the moves and ability he invents lack soul. It's just awesome action, which is great for action movies... But it might be too soon to judge that anyway, since this was just ep 1 of his first bigger continuated story that doesn't only involve fighting and bad character relation references (Dead Fantasy).

    The music seemed fine and it was nice to see the ending sequence with the whole cast and crew behind the show instead of just Monty-Monty all the time.

    So... I think I'll follow this series a bit further still. One might have their opinions, but if there's anything these movies are, it's entertaining.

    ~And in the Hand was clutched a Crystal~

  2. #22
    Memento Vivere R.Kyra's Avatar
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    He needs to work on the scene flow. The first time I watched it, everything just seemed like it was thrown together. The second time I watched it, I was able to enjoy it a lot more. I think I actually might start to Like Ruby. At first, you think she's cocky, but she actually has some confidence. Then it might seem like she's daft, but She's coy and smart. And super quirky. Just like any other nerd out there. Monty chose a good voice actress. I can't wait to see the others in their roles. I've heard the VA for Blake was hafing a tough time adjusting to her personality. I am really looking forward to how that turned out for her.

    If there is one thing I know about Rooster Teeth, they are low budget, but that's what makes them awesome. Everything is done 'in house' so to speak. They have their own offices, yes, but what you see is what you get. I learned a lot watching this year's RTX. Rooster Teeth was made by a group of friends and grew from that point. I'm not sure where their main revenue comes from, but they do rely heavily on their fans. In turn, they appeal to that fan group and so on. They have an interesting business model and they have a lot of fun in the meantime. Will RWBY bring them the attention they deserve? Most likely. I wonder if they really will grow because of RWBY or if they'll stay the same.

    Monty is very proud of his work and those who work with him. He chose his crew wisely. I have faith in him. When I was watching the RWBY panel at RTX, he has a deep convoluted story behind each character. He has a reason for EVERYTHING! And they're already looking at Three Seasons . I am very excited for what's to come.

    It looks like these will come out every Monday. Or it could be every Thursday they come out. I'm not too sure. Anyone want to clarify this?

    EDIT: It seems to be every Thursday it comes out.

    Also, if you're interested, here is an interview with the writers. I find these interviews really insightful. They really are a great group of guys: http://constantlycalibrating.com/201...ss-miles-luna/

    They do a lot of this on their own time because they're so busy with their other projects. It's really inspiring actually. *SQUEE*
    Last edited by R.Kyra; 07-21-2013 at 11:26 PM.

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  3. #23
    THE ADBOT SLAYER! 01habbo's Avatar
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    I thought this would have already been posted but episode 2 is out.

    Much shorter this time, but I don't mind, totally didn't expect Weiss to be a little bit of a spoilt brat :O

    ^Made by Tinychikn

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  4. #24
    Khiraxi KoFF's Avatar
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    I watched days ago in a Facebook link by... Was it RK or Serah?

    Either way, unless there's something dramatic to comment on in the series, I don't think I'll have much to say per episode. Still watching the series though. For now.

    ~And in the Hand was clutched a Crystal~

  5. #25
    Memento Vivere R.Kyra's Avatar
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    Weiss may be spoiled, but she could still potentially be my most favourite character in this show. Blake as well...and Yang & Ruby of course ^_^. I'm still head over heels about the voice actors' too. They're amazing!!

    Weiss is a 'Princess', so she has a sense of entitlement. We are only three episodes in, so there is PLENTY room for character development. I am SUPER excited . Notice how she isn't too far away from everyone else. It could be for more reason than just moving the story forward. I hope so anyway, that's just a speculation.

    Another short episode it seems, but here it is!

    EDIT: OOOOOOOOOH!! How could I forget. There's a Yoko inspired character. DID YOU SEEEEEEEE? SQUUUUUUUUEEEEEEEE *Dies*
    Last edited by R.Kyra; 08-02-2013 at 12:31 AM.

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  6. #26
    Khiraxi KoFF's Avatar
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    WOW THIS EPISODE WAS... Totally forgettable. No fights? (the cartoon quarrel between Ruby and Yang doesn't count).

    Also, give that Blake a penis and she'd really remind me of someone...

    ~And in the Hand was clutched a Crystal~

  7. #27
    THE ADBOT SLAYER! 01habbo's Avatar
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    Im really getting to like jaune http://roosterteeth.com/archive/?v=more

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  8. #28
    Memento Vivere R.Kyra's Avatar
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    YOU CAME BACK!!!!! I <3 WEISS!!!


    She has a heart. <3

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  9. #29
    THE ADBOT SLAYER! 01habbo's Avatar
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    No birdy! Lol. I loved this episode it was a good cliff hanger.

    ^Made by Tinychikn

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  10. #30
    THE ADBOT SLAYER! 01habbo's Avatar
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    Episode 6 http://roosterteeth.com/archive/?id=7988

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