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Thread: Gun crime: It's the video games fault

  1. #1
    THE ADBOT SLAYER! 01habbo's Avatar
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    Gun crime: It's the video games fault



    I mean ok I understand guns are a part of America's culture but I really don't think this is to do with video games.

    Living in the uk I can say whenever the media report on these shootings they do question time and time again why they don't just ban guns. Because honestly it just seems simple to me ban the damned guns, yes there are knives but knives are slower and there are way fewer casualties ><.

    It's like saying it's Laguna's fault because he has a gun.

    ^Made by Tinychikn

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  2. #2
    Memento Vivere R.Kyra's Avatar
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    Laguna!!! <3

    Really though, I think the media is going too far with reporting every minute of every damn thing that happens. Then they come up with their own theories and basically brainwash every person that watches. And people just gobble it up like it's truth. I'm sick of the media spreading biases and things that aren't true all the time. It's the reason why I stopped watching the news in the first place.

    Getting back to the topic though. I would be the last person to blame video games, but that's because I'm not addicted to them like I am other things. I especially don't like fps and the like. All that being said, is what he said true? His MOTHER taught him how to use the weapon. Not a video game. HE WOULD HAVE WATCHED his mother drive a car. HE COULD HAVE LEARNED TO DRIVE THE DAMN CAR HIMSELF!! He was 23. My age. He knew how to drive. His mother probably left her car at home regularly. Politicians draw lines like this to make up excuses and give people another reason not to buy video games. There is already proof that there is no correlation between video games and violence in the outside world.

    I read a few articles on this when articles and blogs were being published like wild fire. There would have been an underlying mental issue that wasn't addressed because of the poor health system in the States. To me, it makes perfect sense. Linking his actions to video games does not.

    The Americans are trying to ban guns now because they recognize that something is going out of control. They just don't know what to blame. Blaming video games is easy because everyone has access to it. Everyone plays video games......but the people who are blaming them. It doesn't take any legal action or money to blame video games. To blame the current American Mental Health system and do an investigation would require money and actual labour. Are they willing to do that? FUCK NO! THAT's what pisses me off. That's what needs to change.....


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  3. #3
    Khiraxi KoFF's Avatar
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    I recently read a statement from a mentally ill person, who himself declared that he played loads of violent video games but he did not feel the need to go out and kill someone. A statement like that bears some relevance in a world where people blame sick actions from sick people on videogames. This goes to show that violent videogames and mentally ill human beings don't necessarily make for a catastrophic recipe, just like it's the case with mentally healthy people.

    About this case though... Really? I would have thought this whole farce ended years ago. I can't even seem to bother with people blaming crimes on videogames by now. Pfft. So old.

    ~And in the Hand was clutched a Crystal~

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