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Thread: 3ds xl

  1. #1
    Back for a bit? :x Michelly's Avatar
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    Red face 3ds xl

    anyone own one? i got mine just a week or so ago. and i'm playing many titles now.

    KH 3D
    luigi's mansion: dark moon
    cooking mama 4 (lol :x)
    naruto powerful shippuden

    anyone who has one too? lets exchange friend codes if you're playing. ^^

  2. #2
    THE ADBOT SLAYER! 01habbo's Avatar
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    I have a 3ds but I've lost it somewhere in the house, from what I remember I had only kh3d, when i find my 3ds again i plan to restart it

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  3. #3
    Khiraxi KoFF's Avatar
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    I have a 3DS XL. I initially had a little trouble deciding between the 2 consoles, because it came out right around the release of Theatrhythm and KH 3D, and they advertised the Circle Pad Pro for KH 3D, which obviously wouldn''t be made for the XL version till later on... So I spent a long time reading into the benefits and downsides of everything, before I ultimately decided - and I would have done so anyway, I believe - went with the XL version, because I just HAD to play Theat and KH on the biggest screen possible xD. It's gotta be GRAND for titles such as those! <3
    Anyway, there's more to the story, but those are the basics. I recall having to wait before being able to play the games, which was painstaking.

    Anyway, friend codes? I forgot exactly how the 3DS works out in that aspect, but does it use friend codes for 3DS games too? (and not just DS games). I remember thoroughly searching for a method to get the final trophy in KH, which is impossible to get without having had relations with another person online. There are many reports about how you could get this trophy, and some got them in weird ways that not even they could control... And the only certain way is by playing with friends. But I think it requires local wi-fi to do that. At least that's how I remembered it... In which case friend codes would be redundant.

    ~And in the Hand was clutched a Crystal~

  4. #4
    Armored Avenger Iron Man's Avatar
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    I was thinking about getting the NTSC version since the PAL version lacks certain games.

    I'd rather not get a PAL version and later find out that Shin Megami Tensei IV won't reach Europe.
    Region lock on a handheld console 2013. That should be illegal..

  5. #5
    Back for a bit? :x Michelly's Avatar
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    i guess friend codes are really to see what your friends and playing, and to quickly join their online game if they're playing anything that can be multiplayer-ed.

    its really still fun to play with. anyone who's playing can send me their friend codes so we could add up.

  6. #6
    Tezcat Dan's Avatar
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    I haven't used mine since December I think. Used to play Theatrhythm and Nintendogs on it =p
    Might dig it out again when the new Zelda game comes out

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  7. #7
    Khiraxi KoFF's Avatar
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    Heroes of Ruin is the next game I'll be playing, after I finish my current game. I doubt anyone else here has the game, but I heard there's a heavy emphasis on co-op, so maybe someone would be interested in trying it out at some point? If so, do say.

    ~And in the Hand was clutched a Crystal~

  8. #8
    Back for a bit? :x Michelly's Avatar
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    danny dig it out right nao! i'm going to get theatrhythm pretty soon, but because over the last one week i already bought 5 games, so the bf isnt happy. ><

    go dig it up so we can add in friend list! ^^

  9. #9
    Khiraxi KoFF's Avatar
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    THEATRHYTHM! <3. Do post feedback in the proper threads. That game is a life invasion. The good kind.

    ~And in the Hand was clutched a Crystal~

  10. #10
    Back for a bit? :x Michelly's Avatar
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    Jan 2004
    it came in the mail yesterday from US! i'm in asia so i was pretty hyped. and omg its awesome. those who have a 3ds should add me on friend code NAO! and revive your 3ds pls.

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