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Thread: A Realm Reborn, release date and Collector's Edition!

  1. #1
    Khiraxi KoFF's Avatar
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    A Realm Reborn, release date and Collector's Edition!

    The date is set after months (and years) of improving, testing and anticipation.

    August 27th, worldwide release for PS3 and PC.

    read about the incredible, beautiful and limited Collector's Edition and the pre-order bonuses here (in before WoL helmet, fuck yeah!)



    EDIT: Aaaaaand again the news preceed the actual pre-order/Collector's Edition offers. EU e-shop sites list nothing at all, besides from standard and CE Digitial editions. US SE shop has it all >_>. It's like with Kingdom Hearts 1.5 ReMIX Limited Edition... Took some days after the news came out that it was very limited and available, till it actually became available. Cities will burn if I miss out on this edition, or even the pre-order bonuses for that matter.
    And I don't want another XIII-2 Crystal Edition postage issue with GAME again, if they end up being the last resort ;_;. That wasn't cheap, even with help on English coasts. (thanks again <3)
    Last edited by KoFF; 05-23-2013 at 05:20 PM.

    ~And in the Hand was clutched a Crystal~

  2. #2
    THE ADBOT SLAYER! 01habbo's Avatar
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    is there still a subscription for the game?

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  3. #3
    Khiraxi KoFF's Avatar
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    I'm pretty sure there is, yes... Lol. I think XI and XIV only will become free when they stop offering support. Most likely it'll be at least a decade before it becomes free, lol.

    But who knows.

    And yeah, then you're not interested, Guild Wars, Guild Wars, sure. But Guild Wars ain't FINAL FANTASY XIV! = D

    EDIT: I dug this official quote up.

    Monthly subscriptions for the game will start £7.69/€10.99.
    Not so bad imo. Was counting on £10, maybe slightly more.

    Also, the CE for PS3 has finally started surfacing on EU sites now. The problem is just that they don't mention anything about the pre-order bonuses. I'm gonna risk the wait. Either way, I will get everything one way or another ò_ó.

    EDIT 2: ... I caved and went for it anyway >_>. I remembered it's just a pre-order and can be cancelled if it turns out there's no pre-order bonus. Besides, it was only £59 and NO shipping fees. Can't risk shops running out of stock!
    Last edited by KoFF; 05-23-2013 at 11:39 PM.

    ~And in the Hand was clutched a Crystal~

  4. #4
    THE ADBOT SLAYER! 01habbo's Avatar
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    That's surprising actually ive heard alot of mmos are starting to go free to play now, but then again I suppose a lot of the others wont follow that route until Blizzard buckles and makes their games free to play. And it's not just because that it is guild wars that I'm not interested, it's because mmos in general seem to focus more on competition than actual working together to save the world. I'll try listing some things that i don't like generally about mmos, I don't know if ff has corrected any of this but mmos before guild wars 2 in general I hated.

    1. Subscription fees I brought the damned game I shouldn't have to pay again to play it. Pet hate.
    2. Steal kills only the person that does the killing blow to enemy gets all the experience and all the goodies , I mean wtf this doesn't happen in offline game if all members of a party contribute then they all get experience.
    3. "Kill 10 rats" I hate these quests there's no actual point to them other then grinding it's just a lazy idea of a quest.
    4 "Just keep going you'll get to the good bits later on." I don't want to grind to a later level to start enjoying a game I want to enjoy it the moment I play it.
    5 Noone talks to you if you are new, I must have tried loads of mmos it's always nearly the same if you are new noone talks to you, everyone is out for themself, if you are not a high level noone wants to know, probably due to the fact the game is more like a competition.
    6 Bosses respawn, great i killed a boss but moments later it respawns and I'm like so what did I actually do that affected the world, I want to feel like I'm making a difference to the world around me.

    Mmos just in general just to seem to take this template and use it over and over again, GW2 did something different and used a different template and was how I imagined an mmo to be at the start, does ff try anything different from the above, it had the shitiest launch at the start, i kinow that wow have slowly been making changes, i know now that they have shared exp now too and loot, what about ff? (and yes it's easier to ask here then go and look)

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  5. #5
    Khiraxi KoFF's Avatar
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    It's my understanding that the main issue with XIV 1.0 was the gameplay and speed. There was other stuff too of course, lol. But I won't pretend to have any personal experience or information about the game since I never played XIV.

    Paid subscriptions: I'm completely in the same boat as you with those. WhileI'll do it for XIV, I dislike to keep on paying for games I already bought. I'd rather pay more the first time around instead. This combined with lack of time time was why I quit XI. Too expensive as much as I want to play it. I do plan to return to Vana'diel at some point though. I also find that I can afford paid subscriptions better now than before. it just gets harder when I don't have all that much time to play it and I will also need to play many other games, which makes it even harder to keep playing. For instance, KH 1.5 is coming out very soon after Realm Reborn.

    Kill 10 rats: I still love those kinds of sidequests, lol. Oldschool ftw.

    Solitude: Can't speak for XIV, but XI was incredibly friendly, for the time I played it. For one, I met someone who was very keen on me meeting her pet and she even insisted on buying top notch armor for me despite me not pleading for it o_O. I definitely felt that there were people who liked to embrace newbies. The warm community is probably also part of why the game still stands today, with expansions, add-ons and celebrations.

    Bosses respawning: FFXI and XIV has a heavier focus on story than many MMOs. That is trademark FF really. Bosses shouldn't respawn a lot, just for the sake of it. It would just be if the boss is revived through someone else playing through that part of the story with you on their team................. Actually I have no idea what they are gonna do about boss respawns, lol. But you should definitely not feel like it was a waste of your time to defeat a boss, even if it respawns. Again, it would respawn because someone is playing through that portion of the story. Not like a random enemy encounter x.X. Not sure if this is even what you mean. You probably know MMOs better than me. I never even got to fight a boss in XI :P

    As for WoW, while it's still relatively thriving, the last expansion, The Mists of Pandaria proved a fatal blow to the WoW francise. While the Pandarians existed since Warcraft 2, they morphed them into a Kung Fu Panda rip-off that ruined the game experience and perception for many fans. It's hard to believe that an expansion could have such a heavy effect on a game as big as WoW, but it really made a ridicule of the game, to a point where even fans feel they ruined it. It wasn't just the expansion that was disappointing, it deteriorated from the WoW experience as a whole.
    And I thought I had a point with this but I seem to have forgotten. Maybe it had to do with MMO's trying to be different, but I wanted it to have to do with the first paragraph. I'm getting sooo old.

    ~And in the Hand was clutched a Crystal~

  6. #6
    THE ADBOT SLAYER! 01habbo's Avatar
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    I felt that ffxi had the same community as all the others, when I asked for help no one answered, the chat was full of people mostly just trading.

    Boss respawning, yes I get why they respawn they respawn for other players but it still feels like you are not attached to the world you haven't really done anything to change anything, what I want is a living world somewhere where my actions make a difference, and this is not just because gw2 has introduced me to this idea I've wanted this for a very long time generally from mmos way before i had even heard of gw2 for example you save a town shops open up in that town for everyone to shop in you don't save the town then it becomes a hostile area with enemies roaming around until you save it.

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  7. #7
    Khiraxi KoFF's Avatar
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    I want to experience the story that was made for the game and defeat the bosses so intergrated in the story, that it helps MY side of the story to be completed. I don't know which system you're talking about in GW, but I don't want "my own" story. I want the one that was originally planned when the game was released... And defeating the bosses here would not change a thing in that aspect. I would get the experience I signed up for, and I don't have to participate in other people's quests to do the same thing. They experience the story on their terms and in their pace.
    It's optional and it's just like replaying a part of a game that you played before, and I love replaying FF, so it's just a bonus to experience tense moments should I feel like jumping into those good memories again.

    And of course you felt XI was unfriendly. Who would ever want to play with you

    ~And in the Hand was clutched a Crystal~

  8. #8
    THE ADBOT SLAYER! 01habbo's Avatar
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    but how valid is that experience if you just see it pop up again.

    it's like "congratulations you saved us! We shall ever be in your debt." however as they say this two the boss has come up again and your watching the fight it's uhhhh.... what? I don't feel like I've saved anyone or contributed anything to the world. I feel very insignificant in the world.

    ^Made by Tinychikn

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  9. #9
    Khiraxi KoFF's Avatar
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    Work on your self-esteem then and give yourself a pat on the shoulder. You defeated the boss. You had your experience and it is as valid for you as for everyone else who earned it. It's not "Oh no, it didn't work, here we go again" as much as it's "I did it, now I can choose if I want to relive this part of the story again right away, later, or not at all".

    Again though, I don't know how it is in XIV, so I don't have much else to offer. If you feel the way you do, that's just sad for you of course. We can't always change our feelings and opinions.

    ~And in the Hand was clutched a Crystal~

  10. #10
    Khiraxi KoFF's Avatar
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    A piece of practical information.

    XIV will require about 12MG of space on your PC/PS3. In other words, prepare for a VERY long installing process. For me, it's about half the space I have left on my PS3, which definitely concerns me a little. I hope my PS3 can live just exactly long enough for the PS4 to get games I want. I'd hate to have to start deleting anything, because it's essentially deleting my SE stuff, which goes against every principle I have, lol. And even if it lives till PS4, there will still be games I plan to get through PS3 in the future (PSN games and PS1 classics etc). I might be screwed either way ._. ... Also, XIV will probably end up taking more space since the 12 GB is just the installer.


    ~And in the Hand was clutched a Crystal~

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