BOOM. 2 new TR titles announced. One is the sequel to the TR reboot that we have known was in production for a while and the other is a sequel to Lara Croft and the Guardian of Light, the downloadable spin-off.

Let's start with Rise of the Tomb Raider. It was revealed a few hours ago at the Microsoft conference at this years E3. While this confirms the game will be made for XBOX One, there was no word of any exclusive release, and I don't think anyone really think this game isn't coming for PS4 and PC, lol. It'll probably be revealed for all 3 platforms in a day or 2.

Here's the emotionally stirring teaser trailer:

Maybe "emotionally stirring" sounds like a bit much, but I felt the atmosphere and music of the trailer, along with Lara's body language really made this a bit touching while also conclusively epic (topping off with that trailer ending), for all it's shortness. This might also have to do with me feeling that we already - here in this teaser - can see that Lara is a step closer to the older, grown up Lara from the past franchise. This, to me, has an emotional effect, because I always loved the old games.
Either way, really awesome trailer, smooth animation and simply a Tombtastic nostalgic experience. Can't wait!

The developers also once again promised that they have taken fan demand to heart and will put gritty tombs back in the franchise. They also said the game will be 3 times the size of the last TR, so we hopefully can expect lots of room for exploration!

Oh, and Camilla Luddington is back to voice Lara!

Now more surprising is the fact that they finally announced a sequel to Guardian of Light. Back to Egypt, guys!

You can see a story summary by watching the video on Youtube.

So this time they are making 4-player action available. That could really make multiplayer puzzles tricky, in the awesome way! Of course it could also make everything a lot more confusing xD. Of course you can still go single player.

Personally I am really excited about this, because I LOVED Guardian of Light. It was so refreshing and unique, especially for the TR series. So great news, and I look forward to visiting Egypt again.

No word given on release dates for any games, but I hear "September" might be the month for Temple of Osiris.