I know it's a weapon ability in FFX but what does it do exactly?
I know it's a weapon ability in FFX but what does it do exactly?
Its rikku's weapon I think. Its when you mix certain items.
what does the ability do for the weapon?
E tuh´d ghuf. Oui cruimt lralg uid cusa Vehym Vyhdyco Q cedac...
E zicd ghuf dryd ed ec Yinuh´c Cfunt cgemm...
Originally Posted by Oxygenol
OH THANKS!! that cleared it all up.....can we have it in simple english now??
thank you
it doubles the effectiveness of items
Doubles items effects, kind a useless.
It's not useless. It's helpful if you have 99,999 HP. You can use 2 Elixirs in one turn. Or any other healing item for that matter.
Really? But most of the time i rely on spells and rikku's overdriveOriginally posted by XdragonfistX
It's not useless. It's helpful if you have 99,999 HP. You can use 2 Elixirs in one turn. Or any other healing item for that matter.
Seldom use items. :D
No no no! It doubles how much a healing item restores. Take an Al Bhed Potion. If you used that in conjunction with Alchemy, it would heal 2000 to each character rather than 1000.