My Zanarkand Theory
I wonder where the Zanarkand Symbol Originated from, so here is my theory.
Because the Zanarkand Symbol was made BEFORE Sin ever existed, there is no connection between it or any Aeons. However, There WERE Summoners because Yunalesca would have had to be one to Summon the Final Aeon to defeat Sin, so what I believe is that the symbol originated from Lord Zaon, (Yunalesca's Husband and the first Final Aeon). Because YUNA and YUNAlesca are so common, I think that Tidus and Lord Zaon have a link too. I have the feeling that Jecht's family line once originated from Spira, but was sent to the Dream Zanarkand by Sin later. So what I believe, is that the Zanarkand Symbol would have been a family Symbol for the Lord Zaon-Jecht-Tidus family line. Since Tidus and Jecht both wore the symbol, I now wonder that if it showed Lord Zaon better, that he would also have this symbol on him. What are your thoughts on this?
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Um, i guess ill say *Spoiler* for anyone who actually never beat FF X
Tidus and jecht are both dreams of the faith, hence they are created by teh faith and the Zanarkand at the beginning of FFX is a mere illusion of a zanarkand of the past that was created to condition Tidus as teh faith wanted to get him prepared for his misson. The symbol itself is the Zanarkand Abes symbol. It is a mere sports logo. Perhaps the logo may have been based off of some aeon or something, but I dont think Zaon and tidus had a thing to do with one another. Because I think Tidus was based off an actual person who lived in Zanarkand a thousand years ago, I have my theory of who that is, but I havent finished FF X-2 yet and if my theory is right, I dont wanna spoil it for anyone. I recall theorizing jecht was sin before I even got FF X and I was right :P
well, I knew all of that, and I know what your thinking about FFX2 and you are right, (I just know but I haven't beat it yet. It's the same for Yuna and Lenne). But if Tidus and Zanarkand and Jecht were all dreams, why can't it be possible for others to be dreams too
I don't think that lady Yunalesca and Yuna have much in common except that their names r off of each other and they have something with defeating sin. I remember in the game they said the Yuna's father, Braska, only named her after Yunalesca. I don't think that lord Zaon is realated with Tidus or Ject either but they just wear the symbol. Since they were both from Zanarkand maybe it was just a symbol that ppl from Zanarkand used. I don't know but I think your theroy could be right but it could be wrong. Good job though Its good to know someone else thinks about this kind of stuff as well.
it is a possibility I am completely wrong, but if you think for a second, everything in Spira and Zanarkand are connected someohow, so even if they just said that High Summoner Braska named Yuna off of Yunalesca, there could still be a connection
True true...I still have some doubts but I just might believe you on this one. Sorry I typed way to slow and Sukai like explained everything way better then I did. hehe not to good at this stuff but I like it
Well, the reason no one else could be dreams of the fayth is because they would have disapeered with the birth of the eternal calm.
Lord Zaon and Jecht already disapeared before from becoming final aeons, so I still say it makes sense
i disagree with you Quinteo because i think the symbol is the team logo of Tidus's team. Sin has to do with Yevon the first summoner Yu Yevon. Tidus is a dream bassed off of someone else that is completly different from everything in the real Zanarkind. Tidus is a dream in other words a fake having nothing to do with the real world(that includes his dad) so his symbol is nothing but a fantasy
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