Remora ^^
DRG 33
WAR 30
MNK 18
SAM 15
BRD 13
RDM 10
Currently playing as: DRG/WAR
Remora ^^
DRG 33
WAR 30
MNK 18
SAM 15
BRD 13
RDM 10
Currently playing as: DRG/WAR
Sylph....58RDM/BLM. Just got myself a moldavite earring too <3
Wow you all are high levels, lol. Well yeah... Levithan... 9war HAHA lol, just started back up... for like the 3rd time
is any server free? i didnĀ“t played it yet
You can get a 30 day free trial but you have to pay monthly after that.
^Made by Tinychikn
Spoiler: awards
Spoiler: quotes
Make sure to use those smilies otherwise full blown arguements can start!
DRK 75
DRG 75
SAM 55
COR 55
Unkindcrocodile - Galka
Odin server
Jobs- 70 PLD, 36 DNC, 34 WAR, and 20 SMN.
others are 18 or under
im on pretty much everyday hit me up by pm on here if you wanna hook up
I'm on Seraph.
1 mithra (Chie) - lvl 20 whm.. still havent done sub quest
1 hume (Raiten) - lvl 30 rdm and various low levels for all the starters and drk
I keep making friends with people who have been playing for years who then stop playing. All the free stuff is nice when they leave.. but then I get lonely.. *wouldn't mind a pal to play with*