Dragon Alliance
what game are you playing right now?
i'm playing final fantasy VIII for the...who knows how many times.
what about you?
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ffx for the 3rd time and im still not sick of it
and kh
Final Fantasy X (4th time), and SSX Tricky (still trying to beat my high of 2.2 mil on Garibaldi)
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ffx, i want to know EVERYTHING so its fresh in my mind for ffx2. Super Smash Melee and Monkey Ball two.
Those monkeys in those balls. heheheehehe crack me up
well ive got a gamecube and a PC too, so at the moment im addicted to zelda: the windwaker, and dungeon keeper on the PC!
anyone else played/playing those games at the moment?
I just bought the legend of dragoon for the 2nd time since my friend stole my first one and moved so I decided to by it again and learn the additions and such :D
i'm trying to get my hands on morrowind, oh btw, can a xbox be chipped to play copied games?
Nothing because my FFX CD is broken...
The Dark Knight
I just finished kingdom hearts and am playing metroid prime now
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