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Thread: Comparison: Which FFGame is the best?

  1. #1
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    Comparison: Which FFGame is the best?

    Which FFGame is the best to you?

    - When replying, please state your answer plus a reason why you picked this answer.

  2. #2
    OMG GET A CUSTOM ALREADY! Hikoto's Avatar
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    FFX or VII or VIII for me LOL I do think every FF game has its own potential and all are a great joy to play! [^.^]
    ♥ hikoto x x
    I use to procrastinate, but now I leave that for later.

  3. #3
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    True, I liked Vlll, and X.

  4. #4
    Brothean xephon's Avatar
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    The one that stands out for me is FFVII, its agreed that the FF games all hold a certain amount of class (exception = ff9) but this title really did something the others didn't. Some say its overated because a lot of people like it, they are fools.

    The game has a lot to offer and was a benchmark for RPG's, it took FF to a new level interaction wise. The materia system was an interesting feature as were many things.

    Also it practically defined the meaning of uber cool bad guy. Sephiroth, many a fanboy worship him as he is just that damn badass. He is the best thing since sliced bread >.>

  5. #5
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    Well, people have feelings and opinions that I believe would be cool to share. Well, I thought that VII and VIII for me had a very cool storyline for me.

  6. #6
    Banned Tragic Kingdom's Avatar
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    I think FFX was overall the best FF game...just how many challenges they had and the Monster Arena was awesome and it was the evolution in FF much like how FF7 was...thats why I say FF7 is second best to FFX...those 2 games had the best storylines among FF games, best characters, best challenges, best everything pretty much...but FF8 was hella awesome too...but a tad behind FF7 and FFX...but FFX wins I think...best FF game made to date for sure. :cool:

  7. #7
    Dragon Alliance Swift Death To Evil's Avatar
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    when I first played 10 I thought it was great, then I played VIII and thought it was even better and then I played VII and thought it was just as good as VIII or slightly better but VII and VIII were my favorites, only thing 10 had on those two were better graphics and voice acting, but both had great storyline and great characters.

    Destiny, fate, dreams. These unstoppable ideals are held deep in the heart of man. As long as there are people who seek freedom in this life these things shall not vanish from the earth.


  8. #8
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    X had an ultimiate upgrade that's whats so good about it. I think it was kinda unfair to the other FFGames, they were like practice dummies until the last the create isn't practice it's the real thing.

  9. #9
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    I say Final Fantasy 7 cause that was the first one that I had played and plus the story line was great and the scenes and gameplay lasted a while so it was fun fun.

    I love Vincent from it.

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    1-ff6-it had a great story, great battle system,great characters,but a not so great villin(but he is better than sipheroth),it was challanging*glares at ffx2 and pokemon*
    ffx-same as the obev(exluding the villin thing),it had a lot of bosses(if you count the monter areana)

    the rest


    (grabs flame sheild and prepares to be flamed by ffvii fanboyz)

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