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Thread: Comparison: Which FFGame is the best?

  1. #21
    Member debsy087's Avatar
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    It's a toss up between Final Fantasy VII and Final Fantasy X-2. Both were A LOT of fun, and I throughly enjoyed playing them. I'm not going to even bother comparing graphics because FFVII is way too old for that. But I never got tired of either them. Haha, so I'm sitting on the fence for this one. :P

  2. #22
    OMG GET A CUSTOM ALREADY! Shooting Star's Avatar
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    I can answer this question kinda better now as I have played 4 of the games, well, 5 actually.

    FFX-2 was my first, and at the time, I thought it was great, good graphics, gameplay, battle system. I finished it, and then bought FFX. (got the two in the wrong order -_-) I played that. The storyline was much better, the CG's to me, were probably the same in graphic quality, but interested me much more and looked better IMO. The battle system was easy and really brilliant, and I fell in love with the game, the storyline just took me away. Finished that, best ending I've seen in a game to be honest. The suspense killed me, haha.

    Then I played FF8. The storyline seemed great, and the video for it on my demo disc, and at the beginning of the game looked amazing, really good. And it was true, the game is great. The only thing that threw me off was the graphics, as from changing from PS2 graphics to PS1 graphics was slightly different, haha. Still playing through FF8, disc 3, and the CG's are awesome.

    To sum it up, I have to go with FFX as it interested me so much, didn't want to put it down, and the storyline was so simple, but yet so complex and interesting that it hooked me from the begginning, right to the end.
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  3. #23
    Junior Member -sasuke-'s Avatar
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    i think ffVII has the best story... though the game play of ffx really is astonishing....

  4. #24
    Sentinel of Liberty Captain America's Avatar
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    My fave of the entire bunch is FFIX. Even though the characters sometimes made me wanna kill, it had a good battle system, great storyline and all-around class (Despite what Doug says.). It also had some great graphics IMO.

    It was a joy to play.

  5. #25
    OMG GET A CUSTOM ALREADY! Tsunade's Avatar
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    All the FFs are different in their own way such as characters, battle system etc. and everyone has different taste. However in my opinion, I thought FFVII and FFX were the best. Both were the first FF released on their console (PS, PS2).. but that doesn't matter much. =/
    Also, they both had an excellent storyline, the battle system for both I liked, the characters were wonderful (Vincent <3<3<3) and just overall, those were the two FFs that interested me the most and FFX was what got me into FF in general.

  6. #26
    Cheapskate GemaSabin10286's Avatar
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    ITs hard to pick just one I'm asuming and it understandable. They all are good if not great in their own ways. My favorite(s) would have to be FFI, VI, and VII. reason for that well.... FF I Jus tone of the best I can play it over and over and not get board. not to mention the fact that beating it with alll white mages is realy F***ing dificult. FF VI had great characters, story, battle system, and a big varity on magic and sommons/espers. And the main reaons for FF VII was the story. It just pulled you in and the more I wanted stop the the story unfold and I as close to the end. It was one of those types of games.

  7. #27
    Junior Member Angel eyes's Avatar
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    Thumbs up

    I love X and X2 for the graphics and heart wrenching story, but I also love 7 and 8. Every story is original and never ceases to amaze me time and again :\m/:

  8. #28
    Join Date
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    Easy FF7 was the best. The plot was good and I was so sad the first time I saw Arith die, though it just had more to the game and the plot and how much more you hated and had to destroy Sethoroph. All the charaters like Yuffie, Baret, Tifa, could have easly be the main charater of their own story. The game was just amazing.

  9. #29
    Member Darkness Godess's Avatar
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    Everyone KNOWS it was FF X. FFX was the first FF on the Ps2 and it didn't let people down! The expectations were high, and the expectations were met. It presented some of the best graphics at the time, it was the first FF w/ voice actors, the plot was majorly good, sidequests were deep and challenging (if you didn't have a guidebook and a sandwich) the character's personalites were amazing, and it was finally a love story w/ a kissing sceen There were also suprises along the way...which were crazy...and you just couldn't stand Seymore from the very begining (you could tell that man was VILE!) Its overall the best FF game I would argue.

  10. #30
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    FF7 easly the best dont care what your argument is for the others if you havent played FF7 you need to.

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