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Thread: The book u last read?

  1. #21
    Needs a Custom Title
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    The last book I read was :
    Darren Shan : Vampires Destiny Saga no.12 Sons of Destiny

  2. #22
    Needs a Custom Title carbonicer's Avatar
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    The last book I read by myself was ........i forget bu the last one one read as a class was 2 weeks with the queen.
    I find that book boring as ever and stupid

  3. #23
    OMG GET A CUSTOM ALREADY! Electro-Pie's Avatar
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    Last book i read was 'Dead Famous' by Ben Elton. Really funny take on reality TV, showing the more sadistic side of TV companies. There's a murder in the 'house', and it turns out that the mastermind behind it is the person who... no, can't say :P

  4. #24
    Khiraxi KoFF's Avatar
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    It was either Teletibbies on picknick or The lord of the rings... I don't remember... but I think TLOTR was abit longer than Teletubbies?

    ~And in the Hand was clutched a Crystal~

  5. #25
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    The Bachelor List by Jane Feather

    Still reading that book but so far the book is fine. Not really one of my favourites but the plot is interesting

  6. #26
    OMG GET A CUSTOM ALREADY! Dark Angel's Avatar
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    The last book I read was Rammer Jammer Yellowhammer by Warren St. John. It's an interesting book that explains fan obsession.

  7. #27
    OMG GET A CUSTOM ALREADY! Shooting Star's Avatar
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    The last book i read was the Babysitter II. It was fantastic. It didn't spoil it for me reading the 4th one before, as they were different scenarios. But it had a good twist at the end which made it a great book to read. ^_^

    Now for number 1 and 3......
    Merry Christmas Square Forums - I'm leaving this in, as I'm in denial.

    Steven, that's my name. Wear it out.*Teh Nameless*rule!! I <3 Kels!!
    Edited by Kels, with love!Me and Laura 4ever!
    >>FFX-2.com Magazine - Issue 5<< Book Of The Year 2005 - Your Choice
    Spoiler: Rachel Bilson <3 

  8. #28
    OMG GET A CUSTOM ALREADY! Dark Angel's Avatar
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    I just recently finished reading A Match to the Heart by Gretel Ehrlich. It's a narrative about how the author got struck by lightning and how she was affected. It was interesting but a little hard to follow.

  9. #29
    The Godslayer Massacre's Avatar
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    i just finished reading a book about rare stones and gems

    it was the suck -_-

  10. #30
    Needs a Custom Title Celsuis's Avatar
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    The last book I read was LOTR:1. It was long and got boring at parts but other than that I thought it was a pretty good book

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