not the greatest collection of images but i thought i'd share them with you all, aren't i kind :p
- a bit pixallated
and my newest concoctions are my current avatar and signature
not the greatest collection of images but i thought i'd share them with you all, aren't i kind :p
- a bit pixallated
and my newest concoctions are my current avatar and signature
Spoiler: PSN
Dude, those are awesome!!
Your current avi and the 2 avis and banner for KH are great!!
Effects in them rock man, you're very good at it
~ Teh Foursome ~
Spoiler: Click at your own risk.
That stuff you made is cool....I like your KH avie and sig you have now...well done Conformer
thanks a lot every1, i have one more at the mo, which im thinking of using, not too sure tho as ive only just made the current ones
Spoiler: PSN
That new one rocks my socks conformer.. ^_^
It's awesome..
The old KH that your using now is also good.. and your previous work as well.. Good work.
Fierce Darling, Fierce!!
Spoiler: Mai Hime in my Heart!
ok, i have a few more to showcase:
and lastly
just a few, all with the same basic looks
Spoiler: PSN
haha those all rock dude, you're awesome at this
the last set has really nice color combinations, good job
~ Teh Foursome ~
Spoiler: Click at your own risk.
Wow dude...Nice work...keep it up cause they all look awsome