one new one, not greatest work ive done on the avatar, but i couldnt cut round his hair at all
one new one, not greatest work ive done on the avatar, but i couldnt cut round his hair at all
Spoiler: PSN
Wow Conformer....Those new thing look really awsome....Keep this stuff up dude and keep making you awsome stuff.....
WOW! those are sooooo awesome! i love the Riku one. that one is so cool. Wel...all of the are cool!
thanks a lot every1, ill be putting up more, prolly wednesday and loads more the week following that as exams will be over so ill stockpile the ones im making till then
Spoiler: PSN
so much for that idea, i have one more at the moment:
Spoiler: PSN
lol, triple postage, :p, couldnt help adding more pics
i was thinking, ok, i have a new name, im gonna need new graphics:
and my new current ones:
Spoiler: PSN
Thats a cool new sonic one you did Tezcat keep it up cause they look great
Do I see what I think I see? The Sonic and Tails one is awesome. Haven't played a Sonic game for ages.
Your latest stuffz are the coolest tezcat and also your new name is cool stuff.. Like the first set of the two last sets here though.. Good job tezcat! ^_^
Fierce Darling, Fierce!!
Spoiler: Mai Hime in my Heart!