^ Too cool for anything that isn't nostalgic? How typical. ¬_¬ Needs more:
Also this could have been my favourite ever if they hadn't interpolated it into every other song and added stupid lyrics.
^ Too cool for anything that isn't nostalgic? How typical. ¬_¬ Needs more:
Also this could have been my favourite ever if they hadn't interpolated it into every other song and added stupid lyrics.
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Spoiler: PSNSpoiler: rEtrO_oSpoiler: etc.
I will go for Julia's Theme off of Dissidia: Final Fantasy Duodecim
Assuming that will be counted as a Final Fantasy game.
If not, I will go for the same track, but off Final Fantasy 8
My favourites are One Winged Angel (AC Version) as it is just epic to listen to and To Zanarkand which is imo the best melody in the entire series. Both ends of the spectrum with those two.