Daggers theme, Suteki da ne, Real emotions.
Daggers theme, Suteki da ne, Real emotions.
There's way 2 many favourties for me to write down... Mostly all of the female tunes of the game, most of the songs that have lyrics, and all the nice love tunes i think sums it up for me...
Sudeki da ne
Real Emotion
1000 no kotoba
3 all time favourites, of course, but what about this head banging,
hard rocking Track, whitch plays at the first Cutscene and at the
last battle against Sin,Braska?
My 5 fav are (not in order)
1 Simple and Clean 4rm Kingdom Hearts
2 Valla A Flaminco from ff9 (the music wen u hav 2 please the audience at garnets party)
3 Shin-ra's theme
4 Jenova theme
5 One winged angel
really really h8ed that ffX one wer tidus and yuna kissed and also the ending ff 8 song all eyes on u was awful 2
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Spoiler: PSNSpoiler: rEtrO_oSpoiler: etc.
Mines ff7 crazy motorcycle and birth of a god and Jenova*_-![]()
I like the Final Fantasy VII Reunion Tracks version of One Winged Angel (if you want it, contact me on aim) and a lot of the OC ReMix versions of FF music. If you want to check out some good remixes, go to www.ocremix.org. YOU MUST download the newest Final Fantasy VII remix they have! It's VERY professional.![]()
I also liked most of the songs in FFT. Kept me pumped and ready to battle. ^_^.
The battle music in all the FF's are similar, but I changed my mind. FFX has the best.![]()