Newbs have been asking random questions so this will hopefully clear it up!
Q. How do i put sigs/banners in my space
A. Type [IMG]Then the link name[/IMG]
Q. How can i put my own Avatar Pictures in?
A. On the Top Bar, Go to User CP, then to edit avatar, you then either upload a avie or put in the link name Note: Avies must be max of 100x100 Pixels
Q. Where should i get help?
A. All About the Forum
Q. Somebody Negative Repped for no reason, why?
A. I don't actually know, proboaly for a joke, or something????
Q. What is the Bar?
A. The Bar is the spam thread where you put in...spam
Q. What is Moronic Spam?
A. Moronic Spam is putting titles such as "gejgnj" and "gajgajg" and also advertising stuff "like Free $250 Burger King and Mcdonald Spending Spree"
Q. What is Battling
A. Go back and Go on the topic Newbie Battling Guide, Made by Samurai Rikku
Q. How do i get more posts?
A. Well, Post! My advice would be to post in the bar, you can get as much as 100 posts a day from it!
Q. What is flaming?
A. Flaming is insulting another user and/or having a argument
Q. What happens if I am being flamed by another user?
A. Tell a admin or a mod, then the person will be fined or even banned depending on how serious it is
Q. I need GIL! How do i get gil?
A. POST! Each post gives you 3 gil, (i think) and every 100 posts gives you 300 GIL!
Q. A Forum is dead, what should i do?
A. Errr, post in it, if you are the only one posting, then it's dead
Q. What happens if i do a mistake
A. first of all, whatever you do, DON'T DOUBLE POST!, they will be a button called "edit" click on that and edit your post
Roland - (Sun Ce)