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Thread: Zera's Art Stuffopolis!

  1. #21
    Nice overall design. Her head is a bit long though, her eyes are too close together. Shoulders are a bit point, just get rid of the point, and round it out. Jeans typically have those strip thingies, to hold onto the belt. Her crotch is bit far down.... there are a whole bunch of other little things that I could say I don't like, I just don't want to seem prudish, and I'm almost out of time. Just round things off, makes it look more natural.

  2. #22
    終焉をもたらすもの Zerathos986's Avatar
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    Jan 2004
    But her eyes are almost at the sides of her head. oO

    Duly noted about the shoulders. Not sure what you mean about the crotch or jeans. oO
    In The Shadows Beyond The Infinite Reaches

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    Chrono Night | Semotus Stella

    Fayth 20043–20078
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  3. #23
    Jeans strip thing= those little loop things you put your belt through.

    Crotch thing.... eh whatever.

  4. #24
    終焉をもたらすもの Zerathos986's Avatar
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    Jan 2004
    Well, there are those loops for her jeans, but the belt is those mad uber belts that girls wear. oO

    Like that. Her jeans are form-fitting so it hugs her waist and the belt's there as a fashion thing. That's also why it isn't straight. :P

    Still dunno what you mean about the crotch.
    In The Shadows Beyond The Infinite Reaches

    The Beginning: Eternal Love | Chronicles of Exigo: The Fall of Spira
    Chrono Night | Semotus Stella

    Fayth 20043–20078
    Flawless 20078–20143

  5. #25
    終焉をもたらすもの Zerathos986's Avatar
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    New set I made for meself just cuz I was that bored.
    In The Shadows Beyond The Infinite Reaches

    The Beginning: Eternal Love | Chronicles of Exigo: The Fall of Spira
    Chrono Night | Semotus Stella

    Fayth 20043–20078
    Flawless 20078–20143

  6. #26
    Didn't Locket make you a set?

  7. #27
    終焉をもたらすもの Zerathos986's Avatar
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    Actually, he already posted it, but it's a work-in-progress. :P I just sent him a PM about it actually. =)
    In The Shadows Beyond The Infinite Reaches

    The Beginning: Eternal Love | Chronicles of Exigo: The Fall of Spira
    Chrono Night | Semotus Stella

    Fayth 20043–20078
    Flawless 20078–20143

  8. #28
    oh... ok I was just hoping you didn't like rebuff him cause you don't like it. Anywho, isn't that a power rangers megazord?

  9. #29
    終焉をもたらすもの Zerathos986's Avatar
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    Naw, I explained my rebuffing in my sig. xD

    And, yes, that would be some foo Cosplaying as the original Megazord. xD
    In The Shadows Beyond The Infinite Reaches

    The Beginning: Eternal Love | Chronicles of Exigo: The Fall of Spira
    Chrono Night | Semotus Stella

    Fayth 20043–20078
    Flawless 20078–20143

  10. #30
    OMG GET A CUSTOM ALREADY! bee happy's Avatar
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    Nov 2003
    I'm teh ownage here >Look! I even got Jeremy in my avatar!

    But uh... nice banner? Can it even be called a banner? =p

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    Spoiler: Quotes for lulz 

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