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Thread: Tekken 6

  1. #111
    Khiraxi KoFF's Avatar
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    Feb 2004

    Re: Tekken 6

    I think I glanced on those news at some point. Didn't read much into it. But this is indeed a good thing. A lot of adjustments can be made to make Tekken 6 better. Co-op is a nice start. And I never thought I'd see myself say that. Damn you, Chips!

    ~And in the Hand was clutched a Crystal~

  2. #112
    Armored Avenger Iron Man's Avatar
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    Re: Tekken 6

    So I installed and tested out the new Co-op today with some random stranger. I must say that it was a nice addition. I get invites the whole time. Problem is that my Asuka got clothes with no stats-boost. So it takes very little before I get KO, lol. I thought that this add-on would cost money, but it didn't, so cred to Namco.

    Have to change into some stat-clothes before I can get serious.

  3. #113
    THE ADBOT SLAYER! 01habbo's Avatar
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    I brought this game and about 20 mins into it I thought this does not feel like a tekken game. I do like the Campaign somewhat but it doesn't feel like tekken and I don't like how I'm forced to play it to watch the story, as soon as Arena was unlocked though I thought "Brilliant now finally can I have the Tekken I love"

    There are only 5 rounds in the arena ><, and more to the point the last round is a huge difficulty jump I breezed through the first four only to be pawned by Azazel, I know there are 9 rounds in the arcade mode, but since it's the main story I feel the arena is too short.

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  4. #114
    Khiraxi KoFF's Avatar
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    Tekken 6 definitely had it's flaws. What you mentioned together with the changed character controls made it less good than the prior games in the series (apart from 4, that was the most disappointing imo, despite having - perhaps - the best Mishima/Kazama endings).

    I wonder what Tekken 7 will have in store. How it's going to change this time to keep staying alive, without sacrificing, like 6 did.
    All I can say in that regard, is that Tekken Tag Tournament 2 made up for everything by being as awesome as I had hoped. Still with its flaws, depending on how you choose to play it, but it lived up to it's predecessor.

    Aaaand that sounds my first Tekken 7 search on google, lol.

    EDIT: Which yielded nothing = |
    Last edited by KoFF; 05-05-2013 at 11:16 PM.

    ~And in the Hand was clutched a Crystal~

  5. #115
    Armored Avenger Iron Man's Avatar
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    Despite Tekken 6´s flaws its still way better than Tekken 4, like you said.

    And I really liked Tekken Tag Tournament 2. It was everything I hoped for, and more.
    Seems like they made it easier for newcomers as well, since there are no easy matches anymore.
    I could probably scare of people with my rank in Tekken 6, but in TT2 there are always tough matches.

    On the downside I feel that the story is pretty much "Meh" now.
    The gameplay and the characters is what keeps me coming for more, and I suspect that will be the case in the future games as well.

  6. #116
    THE ADBOT SLAYER! 01habbo's Avatar
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    Tekken 4 is my favourite though

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